Thursday, August 14, 2014

Who Runs The Matrix?

Serapis Bey:

I am delighted to speak with all of you today. It is a time of powerfully increasing energies, and rising hopes. You may know me as one who has been very involved in the Ascension of Planet Earth. From the beginning, I have worked with your other Masters and Guides to help organize our efforts to help you leave behind the difficult dark energies which have held Earth captive for so long, and to facilitate the freedom humankind is destined to achieve.

I have personally been overseeing the activations of the crystals which had been deactivated during the Atlantis disaster, for the safety of Earth and the crystals themselves. I have also been involved, with many others, of course, in the timing of the opening of portals which will make it possible for all humankind to pass through to higher dimensions when the time comes. All these things have been coordinated with the activities on the ground, and the level of vibration you have all been able to achieve.

It is a challenging process for all of you, we know. It is one thing to spend a day in meditation and find a bit of peace until someone comes along and upsets you, or you have to go back to work at a place you cannot stand. And still, we urge you on: “Raise your vibration! The success of the Ascension depends on it!” Well, yes, it is true that you need to turn a corner as far as your thoughts and feelings are concerned.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We Rise With The Sun Like a Birds Song

Heavenletter #4900: You Are Here to Sing a Song


God said:

Sometimes you may feel that you have reached bottom. This is an idea to let go of. Both top and bottom are ideas that do not hold up. How many times have I suggested that you look up? Consider that you have climbed a mighty mountain. Even at the peak of a mighty mountain, you can look up. Wherever you may be on your imaginary scale, you can look up. If you can look askance, you can look up. It makes all the difference in the world that you look up.

Defeat may be what something looks like in the world. You know the world. It is not so highly reliable. The world flip-flops all the time. Beloveds, if you can feel down, you can feel up. Raise yourself by looking up. I mean literally to look up. The sky is above for a reason. I will go so far as to say there is only up. Gravity keeps you on Earth. Gravity grounds you, yet grounding does not mean to keep you down. Life on Earth does not have to be filled with rue. Rue is not more worthy than joy. Life does not have to be heavy. Heavyweight is not better than lightweight. Light is the spirit that dances between stars. You are made of this selfsame spirit. Heaviness is sorrow.

How light even is the snow that falls to Earth.

Remember that you carry a ticket to Heaven. It is yours. It has your name on it. Holy be your name.

It is not a disgrace to have been born on Earth. It is a tribute. It is a blessing. It is a blessing for you. It is a blessing to the world, and it is a blessing to Me. I blessed Myself when I gave you life on Earth and blessed you and the Earth. You are My messenger from Heaven sent to Earth to proclaim the loveliness and Oneness of Life on Earth. You are a testament to glory. Glory is Mine, and it is yours. Glory be to God, and glory be to you who fulfill My promise given to the world.

The song says, “Hark the herald angels.” You are herald angels come to enliven the Earth and speak for Me. You are identifiers of Me, and, therefore, you identify yourself and everyone. You are here on Earth to thrive. Thrive, I say. You are not here on Earth to go downhill. Hardly. You are here to sing a song. Start now. Proclaim and reveal joy on Earth. Sing a song of tribute in My Name.

You may have thought that I am to be all about you. It is you who is to be all about Me! You are the sounder of love and peace on Earth. You are the forerunner of love and peace on Earth. You are to tell the Truth and to reveal the Truth of Seeming Existence on Earth. You are Infinite Being. Yes, you can live life on Earth and reveal its beauty. Beauty is for the asking. Beauty is for its own expression, and you are the expresser of it. Beautiful are you who sings My song. Blessed be you.

You are on the forefront of the world. Sing its praises. Sing high notes. Let your life be the song you sing. Make a sweeping gesture with your arm and bless the Earth. As the sun rises every morn, so do you. Even in the process of what you call setting, the sun is rising. It is preparing to rise. You are someone who rises. Rise before Me now.

Channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Published on: April 25, 2014

Becoming Enlightened and Never Losing Self

Becoming Enlightened

“When you decide that you are seeking enlightenment, you usually think that you must abandon your old way of living. You see that others who you view as enlightened are letting go of possessions, relationships, and even their hobbies and interests. And so you think in order to be enlightened, you must let go, you must lighten your load.

We want you to know that the load only needs to be lightened when you experience it as heavy and as burdensome. You can move to whatever frequency you want to hold without giving up that which you enjoy, that which you prefer. You are all enlightened beings right now. You do not need to change who you are or how you are living.

But you may choose to make those changes as you continue along your path. Does that mean that you need to let go of anything that you are currently possessing or that is currently a part of your existence in order to be spiritual and to be on your path? We cannot give you an answer that will apply to every one of you. But you may wish to look at your relationship to your possessions, to your loved ones, and even to your physical body.

You may look at how you are holding these various ideas. You are all you need in order to live happily ever after. But if you want to share your time and space with others, and with things, and with your interests, you are certainly within your rights to do so, and you are in no way harming yourselves.

You also have this idea that your bodies are heavy, and dense, and cages for your soul. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your bodies are what you make of them. Your bodies are as holy, and sacred, and spiritual as your souls. Do explore your relationships to form, but do not abandon form because you feel that you must. All is love. All is Source. And all can be spiritual.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are love.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Published April 25, 2014

The Prime Creator In Self

Our God-Self: Your Creations Begin With Me


The mighty waves of your global process of fundamental changes are at their peak. They have been there now for a while and they will not come immediately to a sudden rest.

This is because there are natural laws of ebb and flow at work. They should not be suddenly interrupted for the sake of human safety and the safety of all life on Planet Earth.

This is the time of the Great Shift, and what has been too long already in power must step back now.

What you can influence though is the frequency pattern of the waves, their intensity, their magnitude, their heaviness to put them more at ease. So you have the power to tone down the already fading heads of the old dying hydra to allow your new world to emerge.

However you must know your power for change in the correct way. It is not based on your mind to begin with. Because mind itself is always busy and unsteady. That is its nature. Very few of you are able to keep their mind focused and one pointed, as they understand to use the faculty of the higher mind, based on higher intelligence.

But if you long to do the Real Work, you choose to invoke and unite with Me.

You want to draw on the means of firm profundity, when you are to calm down what is in turmoil, when you are to ease what seems to be uncontrollable.

So to be optimally effective, you want to make use of the most profound leverage: The Power of Me, your own Divine Brilliant Consciousness. Therefore your mind must cooperate with Me, You see, you must not allow your mind to wander off in your head, weakened by the functioning of your dual brain.

It must be resting with Me, As I Am the mind’s Source Condition. The Inexhaustible and Most Solid Substance of Reality Itself, the Divine Well in which is Hidden and Possible to Emerge All you Desire.

Without that Very Foundation That I Am, your every impulse to create does not bear steady fruits, and comes rather in pairs: that what you want and that what you don’t want.

So your process of Divinely inspired creations always begins with Me.

Because it is your continually fluctuating and changing body-mind itself, which is the starting point of all your creations, that must be brought into the right disposition first, it must be brought to rest in Me. This is in itself the most essential creation that you are to perform. And so your very first creation is the surrender of the body-mind to What Is Great, That Foundation, That Fullness, That Eternity That Is Me.

Only from there Pure and Divine thought can emerge.Your body-mind filled with the Power of the Current of My Presence, brought to My Peace, to My Stillness. To The Zero-Point of all possibilities. Then you might create whatever you desire.

This powerful Presence of Mine, when you allow It to Radiate, already alone calms down all agitations, to bring ease and change to harmful situations.

This is the most important and senior creation, the very first creation you are responsible for: to create yourself in the way of reflecting your most profound Truth That Is Me. First I must Be Established in and as You. Then all the powers of creation are Yours.

To invoke My Presence into your body-mind and into your world has the most profound effect on dissolving what is not from Me and what does not conform with Me.
That is how you change yourself, that is how you change your world.

If you choose to engage your mind, based on True Establishment of My Tangible Presence as Radiant Love-Bliss-Consciousness, to reach out to wherever you desire, with feeling and vision that your goal is already accomplished, you will work miracles, if you truly are able to control one-pointed your mind, steadily turned to Me.

Until then let My Blessing Presence Be Sufficient!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Your Plan, the Divine Plan to Come Home

You Knew That What You Were To Experience Would Be Anything But A Bed Of Roses

As I, and all the other channels, keep advising you all is proceeding as divinely planned. The divine plan is always followed, precisely. It often does not seem like that to you, buried in the illusion as you are, and experiencing all the stress, conflicts, and disappointments that the illusion is so good at providing for you.

You all chose to be on Earth at this moment in her history, the moment when her amazing spiritual awakening would occur, because you all, without exception, wished to assist most powerfully in the awakening process, and be present to enjoy it as it happened. When you made that decision you knew that what you were to experience would be anything but a bed of roses, nevertheless you decided to enter the illusion once more to assist all the apparently lost souls, who remain unaware and uninterested in a spiritual awakening let alone in spiritual evolution, into a much higher state of consciousness.

You also knew, before you made that courageous and daunting decision, that you could not fail to fulfill your individual tasks in this momentous undertaking – helping all of humanity to move into a much higher and far more fulfilling state of consciousness where they could and would once more access awareness of their divine nature as essential parts of the One, the Source, God. All sentient beings are inseparable aspects of the One, and the fact that untold numbers are unaware of their divine heritage is due to the incredibly real-seeming illusory environment that you chose to build and inhabit. Within it you do experience intense pain and suffering, and what you experience would be utterly unconscionable if it were real. It is not. But until you awaken that will not be apparent.

Those of you who follow the spiritual channels, blogs, pod-casts, and alternate news sites, while also contributing to them, do have your work cut out to maintain your faith in God’s Love for you all as you witness, with heartfelt compassion, the intense suffering that so many are undergoing, and in which many of you are also personally partaking.

God does not want or require sacrifice from anyone. He desires only that you live in eternal joy. At the deepest levels of your being you know this, and have always known this.

However, you have free will, and will always have it, as Love does not impose, confine, or limit in any way. You are Love, eternally free, and you have used that freedom, that free will, and built the illusion to experience separation and individuality. In doing so you provided yourselves with the space in which to experience what seems to you to be an incredibly fearful state of total desertion and abandonment.

When you made that choice freely and enthusiastically you had absolutely no idea where it might lead you, and now here you are in an environment in which distrust, deceit, betrayal, conflict, and suffering have become endemic. BUT, due to God’s eternal Love for you, and due to the fact that there is nothing outside of Him, what you are presently experiencing remains, as it always was, an unreal dream or nightmare. Now it is about to fade away as the Love from which you were all created expands through each one of you, enveloping all, and moving you all inevitably forwards into the brilliant Light of God’s eternal day, where shadows like the illusion are not supported and cannot survive.

You all want out of the illusion! And so do all the billions of apparently lost souls who are unaware that it is an illusion and are seemingly ensnared within it. Their desire is for freedom, security, and abundance, but that is only available outside the illusion, at Home in the Presence of God. That is where you are going . . . Home. You are powerful beings – you are divine beings, so how could you possibly not be powerful when you were created by your Father and lovingly gifted with everything that He has.

That being the case, then your intent and your collective decision to awaken ensures that nothing can prevent it. Focus your attention on the certainty that you are to awaken, and intend to be open to receive and accept the abundant energy of the current of Love that is gently and inexorably sweeping you homewards.

Because you are all divine beings, at one with your Father, then your will must be in complete alignment with His, no other will is possible. And, as you have been told so often, His Will is that you experience eternal joy, therefore your only option is to awaken into His divine Reality. Live expectantly knowing that you will, and by so doing reduce the stress and anxiety that your long journey has been causing you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Channeled by John Smallman

April 28, 2014

You Are You and No One Else Can Be You


Lady Nada (Received 4.18.14):

Of all the souls in the Universe, you are special. You are EACH special in your own right. No one soul possesses what you have to offer. The key is to know that and then to be in the frame of mind and heart to want to offer it, regardless of what your neighbor or friend or colleague or loved one does or says or offers themselves. You know you are each unique.

In these times of immense change it is even more important to know this and to acknowledge this. For you each have a mission and purpose that no one else does. You are compelled to offer it in concert to complete the whole of Oneness, all of beautiful souls joined together as One but each fitting the piece of the puzzle, intricately placed and applied, to complete the whole beautiful picture of ONEness, each in your own special way.

So please put away your insecurities…as in: “Am I doing enough?”; “Am I enough?”; “What am I supposed to do?” In many cases all that requires of you is to just BE who you are, without reservation, without hesitation, and with all the LOVE you can muster and anchor into yourself, Gaia, the Universe and all the Multiverse. Doing your part sometimes just means not ‘doing’. Relax and melt into yourself and expand your horizons by accepting that you are unique, and by listening to your inner self you will know what to do next, if anything. It will simply flow from you.

This is a time of immense change and all are required to “be on deck”, so to speak. So any distractions from the outside are merely that…distractions from you being wholly who you are and feeling wholly who you are, and performing what you do best, which cannot be measured by anyone else’s experience.

Remember you are loved. Remember you are cherished, and remember that all this raising in consciousness and this elevation of frequency you are a part in could not happen without YOU. So be cognizant of that, be at peace with that, and just allow yourself to blossom in these amazing energies. Much is afoot, much is happening, not only below the surface, but in physical manifestation now. You are all a part of that. Be at peace with that. Rejoice in that. You are The ONE.

So dear ones, I leave you now with my blessings and my LOVE and wish you a pleasant journey in this momentous time. I will return with more “tidbits” of encouragement. For now, as they say, “Lay Low”, which really means the opposite in this case: Allow yourselves to Rise, for the air/energies are so buoyant for you now, but stay centered and stay calm and do everything you can to nourish your physical body as well as your singing heart which wants to experience all it can in these coming days.

You are the master at the helm of these amazing times. And you know what to “do”: Encompass and embrace all you can and allow the transformation, dear ones! We are all excited to meet you more and more in the coming days. We are excited to see your transformation in the coming days. And you really do not have to do anything more than Love yourselves and each other and Gaia and the Universe and the Multiverse and feel at One with it and all, which you are, dear ones, you ARE!

My Love is yours, always…


I AM Lady Nada


Channeled by Fran Zepeda

April 19, 2014


Note from Fran 4.19.14: As I typed the last word in the body of Lady Nada’s transmission, typing the “e” in Namaste’, my eyes were averted to the word counter which had reached 555…meaning profound changes!!!!! Then later that evening, my eyes were averted to the clock which also flashed 555. So I feel it was Lady Nada and indeed the Universe affirming that we are indeed in the middle of profound change! What magical times we are in! What beautiful synchronicity we are all privy to! Love to all!

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Why Are You Here on Earth? - Heavenletter #4867

Why Are You Here on Earth?
Heavenletter #4867, March 23, 2014

God said: 

It is not a little thing that you are alive on Earth. This is not a random happening. You are here on Earth for something. There is a purpose in your being here. Speaking in general, you are here to be a blessing. You are here to bless. You are here to serve. You have a blessing to give. You may well not know what exactly it may be. Therefore, I suggest that you bless right and left and cover all the bases.

A hundred years on Earth is no more than the blink of an eye. It is a minute. The time will come when you are no longer on Earth in your human body. And all those you have known and loved or not loved, will no longer be on Earth either. What was it about? What mattered and what did not matter yet absorbed your life? It would seem that everything was hit or miss, yet it is not.

Beloveds, miss not even one opportunity to bless the world. And, if you feel you cannot bless, then soothe. And if you cannot soothe, soothe anyway. You were sent to the world to fulfill something. You were sent to the world for more than yourself.

There are waves of people on Earth and waves of generations. That you are here on Earth at this time is significant. Not one soul is wasted. Not one soul is purposeless.

You may lead what seems an ordinary life, and yet you have a great purpose. It may be one word, one act, even what seems as a little act, a smile you gave. Your little smile may have saved someone’s heart, changed the circumference of the world, turned it on its axis.

No one has to know your special gift to the world. You don’t have to know it, yet you are to give it.

Be glad you walk the Earth. Be glad you are a human being. Be glad you are on Earth in this moment of Eternity. You are here for a reason.

Open your heart to yourself. Have a heart that is open to encompassing the Universe. Perhaps you have a key that turns the tide of life on Earth.

Let your footfall serve. Perhaps you serve in silence. Perhaps you serve with your eyes. As a matter of fact, everyone serves with his eyes. What do your eyes see, and upon whom do your eyes rest and what do your eyes recognize? You serve.

Perhaps you serve by listening to what is truly being said. Perhaps you serve by listening to what is not said. You serve.

You have a place to fill that no one else can fill. One whose heart you have filled may not know that it is you who made a great difference in his life. Perhaps your blessing is served by your accepting a blessing from another. Perhaps another held a key that opened your heart, and your blessing is to accept a blessing bestowed.

Are you not in life actors on the stage who do not know all the script and all its ramifications? You may even think you play one part when you really play another. There are more than words, and there are more than roles to play. Anyone can be a hero, yet no one has to be acclaimed a hero.



Saturday, March 22, 2014

Energy ~ Basis of Life

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What is Energy?

Over 50 years ago, the science of quantum Physics discovered what ancient cultures embraced; that energy truly is the basis of life. It was proven that the atom, the smallest structure in the universe is made up of 94.5% empty space. This revealed that what you see, touch, sense is only 5% of reality. Your physical body only represents 5% of who you are; you are 95% vibrating Energy.
How we process this energy lies in our biology.
This intelligence/ Energy has no absolute language, only feelings.
We are all in the Transformational field and by this we become susceptible to all sorts of different energy.
This intelligence is strong and powerful if wielded correctly but you carry this inside of you. Energy is timeless and holds centuries inside of you. This becomes an access of channeling energy from the ego to the spirit, for it is eternal.
YOU are eternal
The answers are inside of you
The brain contains two different efficient frequencies:
SOUL - The Right hemisphere (Designed for the spiritual world): Present Thinking - our intuitive, creativity, spiritual, spacial thinking, feeling, nurturing, closer to nature, feminine side
EGO - The Left hemisphere (Designed for the Material world): Past, Future thinking- our mathematical, stress management, material, logical, practical,verbal, masculine side.
We are supposed to balance the two sides within our brain for our consciousness to operate at a higher intelligence.
This world is dominated by Thought, How will you live it?
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The Energy Body:

In the human body there are three types of energy centers. The lower or animal chakras are located in the region between the toes and the pelvic region. The human chakras lie along the spinal column. Finally, the higher or divine Chakras are found between the top of the spine and the crown of the head. They are constantly flowing into each other.
The Higher Vibrations are the healing
The Lower Vibrations are the spirit
Each Chakra takes in energy and releases it, this is connected to chemicals within your endocrine system.
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Silent Vast Constant Domain of Love, Heavenletter #4858

The Silent Vast Constant Domain of Love

Heavenletter #4858, March 14, 2014

God said: 

How to let go of your attachment to the up’s and down’s of the physical world is by not holding on so tight. You do not give up the relative world. So long as you have a body, here you are. At the same time, you can see further than your nose. The relative world is important, yet it is not all-important. Your life in the relative world does not have to take up one-hundred per cent of your awareness.

Beloveds, the relative world is growing right alongside you. The relative world is gaining in peace and love, and so are you. The relative world, which is always changing, isn’t a stable foundation. It is not a foundation at all. By its very nature, it is not. It cannot be. Better to put your money in the bank. I speak of the unseen world of Heaven which yet is capable of being experienced. Of course it is, for where you are, or think you are, you are.

Actually, you don’t have to put so much attention on your life, your world, the world that preoccupies you. The World of Spirit that does not preoccupy you is where the Truth of you lies. There is Truth, and there is fiction. Truth is Truth, and fiction is fiction.

Life on Earth is dramatic. There is everything possible on Earth, every contradiction possible, every joy and every pain, and all of it is modern theater. How to say this? In the world of Truth, there is Silence, and yet the Silence is filled with a richness. Here, within the Silence lies the real story and the only place from which the fiction can arise. There is a Source. This is where the whole overt play comes from. The whole stage comes from the Infinite and Eternal, yet the Infinite and Eternal do not tell stories.

Consider the Earthly Plane like smoke from a fire. Without the fire, you would not see the smoke. Without the fire, there would not be the smoke. Smoke wafts from the fire. Life on Earth has its origin and its history and all its romance from the Silence within, from the Vastness, from the Hand of God wherein lies the solid basis of life on Earth. Even though the basis cannot be touched by the physical world, it can be realized.

The existence of this powerful Silent Vast Constant Domain of Love is where you come from. It is also the permanent domain where you do also live. It is as if you have dual citizenship. Your original country is Heaven. You are entitled to your second passport to Earth, yet your passport to Earth is temporary and doesn’t really hold up. Yes, it’s a temporary visa. You don’t know how long it’s good for. Heaven you can know is forever. You are never deported from it.

Your life on Earth is a temporary stay. It is only a minute, I tell you. In Heaven time, it is no time at all, for there is no time here. Heaven is timeless, and I tell you that you are timeless too and spaceless too. There are no bodies in Heaven. There is Soul Essence. In Heaven, you read souls, as it were. You recognize souls. You know Oneness which is another word for love. Love isn’t exactly noted because what else is there to demark from love? Peace and Love and Light, the Source of All, are here.

I did not send you off to Earth without all of Heaven. You are on Earth even as you have never left Heaven. Heaven is the core of you. It is the immutable core of you.

I have a conversation with Myself in the form of you:

Where is Heaven? I ask.

It is within you, I answer.

Can a human being really know Heaven while still on Earth?

Yes, yes, for I, God, am everywhere, and I am knowable, and so are you knowable. I pinch your cheek right now. Look up. Here I am smiling at you. My Will be done.

What is My Will?

My Will is love.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Power of Change Starts With Embodying God the Correct Way

Our God-Self: Your Creations Begin With Me


The mighty waves of your global process of fundamental changes are at their peak. They have been there now for a while and they will not come immediately to a sudden rest.

This is because there are natural laws of ebb and flow at work. They should not be suddenly interrupted for the sake of human safety and the safety of all life on Planet Earth.

This is the time of the Great Shift, and what has been too long already in power must step back now.

What you can influence though is the frequency pattern of the waves, their intensity, their magnitude, their heaviness to put them more at ease. So you have the power to tone down the already fading heads of the old dying hydra to allow your new world to emerge.

Clarity on Ascension from Creation Energies

Dear Ones,

Some believe ascension means to leave earth and live the remainder of this life on a twin or distant planet. Others that many will shift their being while of earth in this lifetime. Neither concept is completely correct. For you are to move to a different place – but that place is within the environment you now label earth.

Earth is shifting, as are all the entities of earth above, on and below – and expanding in terms of what you visually see, sense and what you experience. Many of you wish to explore other planets and dimensions believing you know all there is to know about earth. Such is not true.

Even though humans have explored many parts of physical earth, there are places and entities yet to discover. A bit like thinking you must travel to Paris before your life is complete and you miss the beauty of your small community – pining for something that cannot be, while missing what is.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Life is to be Marveled at and Enjoyed not Mourned

Heavenletter #4854 If You Were Not Attached, Why Would You Mourn?, March 10, 2014

God said: 

Hurray for life and Earth and all the glorious Beings who populate it, the creatures great and small. Each being plays his part, the elephants and the ants. I am in awe over the world that was created by My idea, and which is now your idea.

Note how the world is always changing. Nothing in the world stays the same. The sunlight through your window changes minute by minute. The sky, the trees, the motion, and you are a beloved witness to it all. If you were told ahead of time how the sunlight would shimmer on the lapping ocean, you would have paid for admission. You would have stood in line for hours, and how you would have marveled at the picture before you.

And the stars. You would have paid all your life’s savings to see the miracle of the stars.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Coming in Oneness With God - Unity Consciousness

Living in Oneness Part II

The times you are living in now are precious beyond belief. You are receiving instructions and support from the ascended ones like never before because you are living in the time of the ascension of your world and because you were meant to experience the everlasting joy and sense of wholeness that naturally comes when you are living as your already-ascended Presence in Unity Consciousness.

We know that many of you like to hold onto your tender moments because you sense that those moments may not come again, yet that is a belief that is not serving you because it keeps you out of living in oneness with your Presence and out of the preciousness and the power that comes from living in the moment exactly as it is. Your Presence is always living in joy and it never struggles or desires to repeat an event from the past since every moment is eternally new. You are the creators of your own reality, so there is no need to suffer and it is truly possible to be happy no matter what is occurring around you. You certainly do not need to lead a life where you are waiting for the next big something or someone to come into your life so you can be happy.

Coming into Oneness with God - What We were Born to Do

Living in Oneness - Part I

In this coming year, there will be much less opposition within the hearts and minds of humanity to the idea that they do indeed have a God Self or Presence that is there to guide them into an entirely new reality founded in Oneness or Unity Consciousness. The opposing forces within the minds of the collective consciousness of humanity are losing ground, just as those are who would seek to keep you in fear or in any way separate from following your true inner authority or from experiencing the magnificent reality of your God Self.

It is truly a tremendous relief to accept that you are never a victim of someone else’s ideas about you and that their mental or emotional projections have no affect upon your true identity in God. Children usually love and respect their parents, yet what they often do not see is how easy it might have become for them to accept their parent’s projections as true within their own life. As the child matures, these projections have usually been assimilated by the ego so completely that they are usually seen as one’s “own” ideas or ideals for their life. It therefore becomes part of their own identity.

Friday, March 7, 2014

A Trust Exercise - Letting Go and Letting God

A Trust Exercise
“I am here. I am with you.
There is nothing now that is stopping you from becoming the being that you have always wanted to be. You have removed the self-imposed limitations from yourselves, and now you are finding it easier to connect, to expand, and to create. All that is missing from you is a willingness. All that is required is a willingness to dream, to wish, to put out there exactly what you desire.
You know that you have abilities that are coming online. You can feel them. They are there. They are within your reach. When you embody the power that is available to you, you will know without a shadow of a doubt that you create everything, every experience, every interaction.
You do so more often than not without knowing what you are doing. You do so from a place of expecting the same old, same old. And now I am encouraging you to let go of all of your old expectations and to embrace your creator-hood, your true nature, your infinite abilities.

The Reason For Your Being on Planet Earth

A Conduit Between Heaven and Earth - The Reason for Being

“Greetings Dear Ones.  We are the High Council of Orion.

Our message today brings forward to each and every one of you the idea that you are the intersection of heaven and earth. Part of this process of Ascension is not only about leaving this dimension to exist solely at other dimensions, part of it ,during this time of transition, is to allow a greater embodiment of “heaven”, of universal truth and higher-level energies on to this dimension here. In order to do that the conduit for that infusion of heavenly energies happens through you in your human experiences.

While many on your planet are looking at wanting to leave this dimension, as if it has been a ball and chain (which the experiences have not always been pleasant and so they could feel like a ball and chain), you could feel like it’s time to get off this planet and out of this dimension, yet we would offer up during this many year-long dimensional transition, it is the time for you to begin to connect with the other dimensional realities and allow those realities to infuse themselves into this dimensional plane where you find yourself at this time, where you find your conscious awareness that this time. Begin to live your life, experience life, from a higher dimensional place at a different vibratory rate, different vibratory realm, while you’re in this dimension. What you’re doing is infusing those of higher dimensional energies into this dimensional plane that you find yourself in, allowing a widespread level of transformation to happen for the entirety of what you would call “humanity” and the planet all at once.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

God and I, I and God, The Wonder of Oneness

Heavenletter #4849 The Wonder of Oneness , March 5, 2014

God said: 

We can say that you are the twinkle in My eye. We can say that you are the outpouring of My heart. We can say that you are the Light of God strewn on the Earth. You are the declarer of My Heart, My Vision, and My Reason for Being.

Everyone and everything is I, yes, and that means you.

I do not have a selfish bone in My body, as the expression goes, yet it is for Myself that I have you come to keep Me company. I like you. I like having you around. I also happen to love you with every breath of My Being. I have love to give, and I give it.

You may say that I created the Universe so there would be stories. That is not too far off the mark. Through you, come stories. There never is a drought of stories to be told, to witness, to wonder about, to search for the meaning of. The meaning is Life in the World. Sometimes you would like to skip life on Earth and just get to the chase. Of course, you will get to the chase. You are already getting to the chase.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Special Call on Hollow Earth Network Radio Show Tonight - Monday, January 20, 2014

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Chakra Updating Decree with Musical Accompaniment

‘I invoke Archangel Michael to oversee the cleansing and purification of my entire chakra system. I ask to receive the concentrated light of the Archangels focused upon the purification, cleansing and strengthening of my entire chakra system.

Let the energy I receive be born from love and fill my chakras with the blessings and expansion of love. Let all unneeded energies created by me or accepted by me and held within or around my chakras to be erased completely and absolutely. It is my wish for my chakras to expand and strengthen appropriately so that I may embody and express through the purest vibrations within my chakras the light, love and consciousness of my soul. Let the Archangels support me as I free my chakras from limitations, experiencing any shifts within my chakras as blissful easy processes of awakening. Thank you.’

‘I invoke Archangel Michael and all the Archangels to surround me completely as I gain a meditative state of being. Please protect and oversee my process at all times. I call upon the light of the Archangels to penetrate my being and chakra systems, let the golden petal like energies from the heart chakras of the Archangels anchor into my chakras simultaneously like funnels of golden light. I allow for the light and consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love from the Archangels to pour into my chakras allowing for a deep expansion and experiences of freedom born from love to be sensed and accepted within my chakra system and entire being.

Please ensure that all the energies I need to accept to be anchored within my chakras to aid the next stage of my spiritual ascension and my conscious awareness of my inner truth to emerge.

Please support the abilities of my chakras and process of expressing and radiating the truth of the Creator. Thank you.’

Simply allow yourself to breath and relax being aware of your senses and the energy around and within you, until you feel the process is complete.

Please know that the Angelic Kingdom is supporting you tremendously at this time of your ascension.

With Angelic unconditional love,
Archangel Michael

For more information on Chakras Click Here

Updating the Chakra System

Updating the Chakra System

Your chakra system is your gateway to and expression of the Creator’s universe, it is your source of spiritual and energetic nurturance and enables a constant flow of the Creator’s light to support your continued existence in oneness with the Creator.

All aspects of your chakra system are continuously altering and evolving, even their purpose can change as the vibration of energy within and around you heightens. Your chakras are personal to you and act as a personal connection and expression of the Creator through your being. Sometimes when you experience blockages in certain chakras this symbolizes the area in which your connection with the Creator needs to be contemplated and enhanced. For example, if you have a blockage in your heart chakra then it may be that you have issues with connecting with, receiving or expressing the love of the Creator so there is a need to connect consciously into the chakra to decipher that which the chakra wishes to share with you concerning your connection with the Creator. Remember that your greatest purpose upon the Earth is to express and radiate the purest vibration of the Creator’s light, love and consciousness.

Anything that is hindering you in doing so is asking you to glimpse an aspect of the Creator that you may not be familiar with or may be fearful of because of past circumstances. You then are presented with the most precious gift, a new focus and understanding of the Creator and a new pathway to gain a deeper unity with the Creator.

Your chakra systems are akin to energy gateways, pumps, distributors and collectors, they are tools in which you can anchor the vibrations of the Creator upon many energetic and physical levels of your being. Therefore preserving their purity and strength is essential if you are focused upon embodying your soul and the vibrations of the Creator.

Each day you can invoke the purification, cleansing and strengthening concentrated light of the Archangels to flow through your chakra system to maintain and preserve the purity of your chakras and therefore retain a high vibration of light within your entire being.

‘I invoke Archangel Michael to oversee the cleansing and purification of my entire chakra system. I ask to receive the concentrated light of the Archangels focused upon the purification, cleansing and strengthening of my entire chakra system.
Let the energy I receive be born from love and fill my chakras with the blessings and expansion of love. Let all unneeded energies created by me or accepted by me and held within or around my chakras to be erased completely and absolutely. It is my wish for my chakras to expand and strengthen appropriately so that I may embody and express through the purest vibrations within my chakras the light, love and consciousness of my soul. Let the Archangels support me as I free my chakras from limitations, experiencing any shifts within my chakras as blissful easy processes of awakening. Thank you.’

Imagine that I, Archangel Michael, stand behind you orchestrating and instructing the concentrated light of the Archangels to be absorbed and to flow throughout your chakra system. As you experience the deep purification process let yourself focus upon your breathing, as relaxing the body will allow for any shifts to take place with greater ease.

When you are ready allow yourself to focus upon your soul light which can often emerge from your heart chakra. As you allow your soul light to radiate throughout your chakras notice how empowered, expressive and expansive your chakras and their expression are.

With your focus upon your spiritual evolvement and awakening the truth of the Creator within your being your chakra systems and their purposes are constantly evolving, even the colours and sound frequency of the chakras can alter considerably even from day to day. Your chakras constantly update their energies as new shifts in energy and consciousness are obtained within your being but also by humanity and the universe. It is at this time that I wish to make you aware of the shifts and updating that is occurring within your chakras so that you may be conscious and attune to the process taking place.

At this time the Archangels have been given permission to oversee, assist and inspire many new activations for souls upon the Earth. The Archangels are accepting this responsibility so that many Ascended Masters upon the inner planes can work on a more general level re-attuning the Earth and the universe of the Creator as one. The Earth and the universe have always been connected but the Ascended Masters are being guided to create new pathways of light from the Earth to the inner planes and universe of the Creator due to the speed at which humanity is evolving.

In the past when Ascended Master’s ascended they discarded their physical body, moving into their light body they traveled into other dimensions and the inner planes to continue their journey of growth. In doing so they created pathways of light likened to tunnels that assisted more and more people to ascend from the Earth. It can be likened to a new road being built. The more pathways that the Ascended Masters created the easier it was for others to raise their vibrations and achieve the same, they allowed for higher vibrations of light to be channelled into the Earth but they also assist in creating areas of high vibrational light upon the Earth that would inspire others and allow for a space to be accessed that already had a strong attunement to the Creator thus making the shift of ascension easier.

It is the same when you meditate in the same room for a long period of time, the room and its surroundings hold a high vibration and so if people enter the space who have never meditated before they will be supported to do so by the energy created.

Due to the ascension process of souls evolving and many souls being able to remain in their physical bodies after ascension the process and demands of ascension have altered meaning that many of the pathways created by the Ascended Masters are no longer needed. Now from the inner planes the Ascended Masters are creating new pathways of light from the Earth into the universe of the Creator.

Not only does this mean that higher vibrations of light are able to penetrate the Earth and your being, it also signifies that there will be sacred spaces upon the Earth or energy consciousness that can be accessed to support the new process of ascension and attunement with the Creator.

While the Ascended Masters are achieving this, we the Angelic kingdom are inspiring and overseeing the activations of light within your being. This is why we ask you to be consciously aware of the updates occurring within your chakra system.

Golden petal like energies are forming from the hearts of the Archangels born from a vibration of freedom of love. These golden petal like energies coil themselves into a funnel shape as they connect with each of your chakras, entering into your chakras with the smallest part of the funnel first. It is as if the golden petal like energies have umbilical cords connecting them to the hearts of the Archangels. As the golden petal of a funnel shape anchors into one of your chakras, it begins to draw and pour a great volume of light from the hearts of the Archangels into that chakra thus updating the chakra with consciousness, pure angelic vibrations of love and a freedom that can only be born from supreme and pure love. This is a process that you can allow to occur during meditation simultaneously to all of your chakras. You may then experience that each of your chakras becomes or holds the vibration of the angelic kingdom, with the consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love this may cause a deep and powerful opening and expansion of your chakras allowing the light of the Creator to pour with great abundance throughout your being, flooding your entire being with light. Not only will this raise the vibration of your chakras but it will also activate a deep remembrance of being of service with and from a space of love allowing you to integrate this vibration throughout your entire being and reality.

Updating your chakra system is focused upon allowing you to experience the Creator more fully within your reality. While it assists to be conscious of the process there isn’t a need to fully understand the process as this is different to being aware.

You may wish to use the invocation below to support your conscious acceptance of this updating process of your chakras.

‘I invoke Archangel Michael and all the Archangels to surround me completely as I gain a meditative state of being. Please protect and oversee my process at all times. I call upon the light of the Archangels to penetrate my being and chakra systems, let the golden petal like energies from the heart chakras of the Archangels anchor into my chakras simultaneously like funnels of golden light. I allow for the light and consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love from the Archangels to pour into my chakras allowing for a deep expansion and experiences of freedom born from love to be sensed and accepted within my chakra system and entire being.

Please ensure that all the energies I need to accept to be anchored within my chakras to aid the next stage of my spiritual ascension and my conscious awareness of my inner truth to emerge.

Please support the abilities of my chakras and process of expressing and radiating the truth of the Creator. Thank you.’

Simply allow yourself to breath and relax being aware of your senses and the energy around and within you, until you feel the process is complete.

Please know that the Angelic Kingdom is supporting you tremendously at this time of your ascension.

With Angelic unconditional love,

Archangel Michael

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

For the Decrees with Musical Accompaniment Click Here

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Prime Creator Announces the Beginning of The New Golden Age

Part 195, Prime Creator Announces the Beginning of The New Golden Age
I am Creator.  I have asked Lady Portia to take this message to give to the world.

It is my great pleasure to make an important announcement.  All important changes in the Universe require a special event to anchor them, to serve as the official beginning or end of an era.  I wish to declare that today, Monday, January 20, 2014 of the current Gregorian Earth Calendar will henceforth be known as the First Day of The New Golden Age.   It will usher in the beginning of new prosperity, peace, mutual cooperation and joy throughout all the Kingdoms of the Earth and beyond.

It is a time of change, a time of awakenings.  You will be learning things you could not have even imagined a day or a week ago.  You are all being raised up into the Light, given glimpses, a bit here, a hint there, of what you will be learning when you walk across the imaginary boundary which has held you in your 3 dimensional world.  You will emerge at the culmination of your meditations into the higher dimensions.

These messages have brought you along, increasing the challenge you were given, to open your hearts and your minds to feel your way toward the Truth of One.

Often you were puzzled or frustrated or confused.  The information you have been given seemed contradictory, and therefore not true.  You were forced to either choose from amongst two or three "Truths" or open your minds to the possibility that there might be a whole other possibility - a greater Truth which might lead to further levels of unknown regions of the Heart.

It will come as a great surprise to you that We in the higher dimensions sometimes tell you half-truths.  We do not lie to you; there would be no point in that.  We are not untruthful in our dealings, ever.  However, there are frequent occasions in which we can see that you are not at all ready for the whole truth - it would make you angry and turn you away, or it might pass right on by your understanding because you didn't have the background to understand it.  This is why we have led you, day by day, month by month, toward greater knowledge and wisdom.

It is not a simple endeavor, to lead an entire civilization which has been immersed in a rigid, intellectualized society of argumentative, quarreling and combative individuals, to bring all of them together toward a true meeting of the minds - which can only be accomplished by opening their hearts.  Yes, you have all been affected by the thousands of years of mind-over-heart and mind-over-matter arguments.  The last 600 years or so have been the worst, especially since Descartes proclaimed the mind superior to human emotion.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with using the scientific method to identify trends and small facts about the things you wish to study.  In some ways, it has moved you ahead, especially where some of your technologies are concerned, but it has done more to stifle originality than to expand it.  The most brilliant scientists do their best work during their sleep hours, when they collaborate with highly advanced galactic societies who share their findings with those who are open to it.  Of course, this has sometimes ended very badly, as in the premature development of nuclear fission, which was then immediately used to develop monstrously uncontrollable weapons and equally dangerous domestic technologies.

The use of nuclear power to generate electricity is a ridiculously reckless and inefficient method.  Were it not for the enormous profits it has generated for a few investors, at the cost of the health of your entire planet, it would not have even been given a second glance.  It is only thanks to the enormous subsidies of numerous governments that the plants have even been built.  We are preparing to see all these unnecessarily dangerous methods completely replaced with the simple, efficient and clean technologies which will be given to you by your galactic Brothers and Sisters.

The technologies you will be given are far superior to anything currently in development.  You will be amazed at the efficiency and ease with which all your homes, office buildings, civic buildings and even stadiums can be cooled, heated and softly lit, without a single drop of fossil fuels, and without producing a single carbon atom's worth of pollution.  This is just a small example of the momentous changes that will take place, to literally rescue and reward all the wonderful beings who reside on Gaia, your Mother Earth as you know her.

You, Beloved Earth Ones, have hewn to the path of Ascension, carrying the Light and the message of Love.  It is you who have created this glorious moment - you who have lifted your eyes to the Heavens in Faith.  You have envisioned the New World.  It is thus of your making.

We have taught you that your thoughts, combined with the energy of your hearts, create Reality.  You have learned to manifest those thoughts with great clarity.  When you focus on the vision of your hearts, powered by your great will, you are able to make wonderful things happen.

This is what you have done.  Together, you have focused on Abundance.  You have envisioned new housing for those who have lived in poverty, clean water for the people of the Earth who need it, food for the hungry, schools and loving teachers for the children who are starving for real knowledge, healing for the sick, and above all, peace on Earth.

So it shall be.  It is an auspicious time on Earth.  It is the first day of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the celebration of Martin Luther King Day in the United States, and as the Chinese New Year approaches, the Year of the Horse becomes the new symbol - that of strength, exuberance and compassion.  It will be a year of enormous spiritual growth, expansion and Ascension for the entire planet.

Everyone on the planet - absolutely everyone - will experience the good fortune which will now fill all cups to overflowing.  Joy will replace fear as the predominant emotion.  Random acts of kindness will become the norm rather than newsworthy exceptions.

Open your hearts, Beloved Ones.  There are no more questions that need to be answered about when and how these changes will again take place.  They have already begun.  You have been blessed with a program of prosperity that will be completely inexplicable to the rational thinkers, the practical managers and the unbelievers.

We are here, your Guides and Ascended Masters, and we are bringing to Planet Earth the most powerful force in the Universe: Love.  Awaken to the Truth that you will never again be made to suffer by forces outside your control.  Now, as you read this, humane political and social systems are being instituted across the globe.

We now await the proper timing for the further announcements to be made, which you have called Disclosure - the revelation that you are not alone in the Universe, and that your neighbors are friendly - once all the cabal and its minions have been subdued and/or dispersed.  What follows will be spectacular, astonishing even for those of you who have followed these messages for years.  Your minds will experience such information overload that only those with open hearts will be able to grasp the Truth of what is happening, for so many of the things you thought you knew were deliberately distorted.  All the news that is coming is good news. The revelations will make your hearts sing.

I am overjoyed to be able to tell you this, at long last.

Look around you.  The colors are brighter, people's faces are younger, and all worry and care are evaporating like the morning dew.

Enjoy your blessings, My Beloved Children.  Your New Day is dawning today.

I love you without end.
I am your Creator.

Via Kathryn E. May, January 19, 2014, 11:30 PM GMT