Monday, January 20, 2014

Special Call on Hollow Earth Network Radio Show Tonight - Monday, January 20, 2014

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Chakra Updating Decree with Musical Accompaniment

‘I invoke Archangel Michael to oversee the cleansing and purification of my entire chakra system. I ask to receive the concentrated light of the Archangels focused upon the purification, cleansing and strengthening of my entire chakra system.

Let the energy I receive be born from love and fill my chakras with the blessings and expansion of love. Let all unneeded energies created by me or accepted by me and held within or around my chakras to be erased completely and absolutely. It is my wish for my chakras to expand and strengthen appropriately so that I may embody and express through the purest vibrations within my chakras the light, love and consciousness of my soul. Let the Archangels support me as I free my chakras from limitations, experiencing any shifts within my chakras as blissful easy processes of awakening. Thank you.’

‘I invoke Archangel Michael and all the Archangels to surround me completely as I gain a meditative state of being. Please protect and oversee my process at all times. I call upon the light of the Archangels to penetrate my being and chakra systems, let the golden petal like energies from the heart chakras of the Archangels anchor into my chakras simultaneously like funnels of golden light. I allow for the light and consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love from the Archangels to pour into my chakras allowing for a deep expansion and experiences of freedom born from love to be sensed and accepted within my chakra system and entire being.

Please ensure that all the energies I need to accept to be anchored within my chakras to aid the next stage of my spiritual ascension and my conscious awareness of my inner truth to emerge.

Please support the abilities of my chakras and process of expressing and radiating the truth of the Creator. Thank you.’

Simply allow yourself to breath and relax being aware of your senses and the energy around and within you, until you feel the process is complete.

Please know that the Angelic Kingdom is supporting you tremendously at this time of your ascension.

With Angelic unconditional love,
Archangel Michael

For more information on Chakras Click Here

Updating the Chakra System

Updating the Chakra System

Your chakra system is your gateway to and expression of the Creator’s universe, it is your source of spiritual and energetic nurturance and enables a constant flow of the Creator’s light to support your continued existence in oneness with the Creator.

All aspects of your chakra system are continuously altering and evolving, even their purpose can change as the vibration of energy within and around you heightens. Your chakras are personal to you and act as a personal connection and expression of the Creator through your being. Sometimes when you experience blockages in certain chakras this symbolizes the area in which your connection with the Creator needs to be contemplated and enhanced. For example, if you have a blockage in your heart chakra then it may be that you have issues with connecting with, receiving or expressing the love of the Creator so there is a need to connect consciously into the chakra to decipher that which the chakra wishes to share with you concerning your connection with the Creator. Remember that your greatest purpose upon the Earth is to express and radiate the purest vibration of the Creator’s light, love and consciousness.

Anything that is hindering you in doing so is asking you to glimpse an aspect of the Creator that you may not be familiar with or may be fearful of because of past circumstances. You then are presented with the most precious gift, a new focus and understanding of the Creator and a new pathway to gain a deeper unity with the Creator.

Your chakra systems are akin to energy gateways, pumps, distributors and collectors, they are tools in which you can anchor the vibrations of the Creator upon many energetic and physical levels of your being. Therefore preserving their purity and strength is essential if you are focused upon embodying your soul and the vibrations of the Creator.

Each day you can invoke the purification, cleansing and strengthening concentrated light of the Archangels to flow through your chakra system to maintain and preserve the purity of your chakras and therefore retain a high vibration of light within your entire being.

‘I invoke Archangel Michael to oversee the cleansing and purification of my entire chakra system. I ask to receive the concentrated light of the Archangels focused upon the purification, cleansing and strengthening of my entire chakra system.
Let the energy I receive be born from love and fill my chakras with the blessings and expansion of love. Let all unneeded energies created by me or accepted by me and held within or around my chakras to be erased completely and absolutely. It is my wish for my chakras to expand and strengthen appropriately so that I may embody and express through the purest vibrations within my chakras the light, love and consciousness of my soul. Let the Archangels support me as I free my chakras from limitations, experiencing any shifts within my chakras as blissful easy processes of awakening. Thank you.’

Imagine that I, Archangel Michael, stand behind you orchestrating and instructing the concentrated light of the Archangels to be absorbed and to flow throughout your chakra system. As you experience the deep purification process let yourself focus upon your breathing, as relaxing the body will allow for any shifts to take place with greater ease.

When you are ready allow yourself to focus upon your soul light which can often emerge from your heart chakra. As you allow your soul light to radiate throughout your chakras notice how empowered, expressive and expansive your chakras and their expression are.

With your focus upon your spiritual evolvement and awakening the truth of the Creator within your being your chakra systems and their purposes are constantly evolving, even the colours and sound frequency of the chakras can alter considerably even from day to day. Your chakras constantly update their energies as new shifts in energy and consciousness are obtained within your being but also by humanity and the universe. It is at this time that I wish to make you aware of the shifts and updating that is occurring within your chakras so that you may be conscious and attune to the process taking place.

At this time the Archangels have been given permission to oversee, assist and inspire many new activations for souls upon the Earth. The Archangels are accepting this responsibility so that many Ascended Masters upon the inner planes can work on a more general level re-attuning the Earth and the universe of the Creator as one. The Earth and the universe have always been connected but the Ascended Masters are being guided to create new pathways of light from the Earth to the inner planes and universe of the Creator due to the speed at which humanity is evolving.

In the past when Ascended Master’s ascended they discarded their physical body, moving into their light body they traveled into other dimensions and the inner planes to continue their journey of growth. In doing so they created pathways of light likened to tunnels that assisted more and more people to ascend from the Earth. It can be likened to a new road being built. The more pathways that the Ascended Masters created the easier it was for others to raise their vibrations and achieve the same, they allowed for higher vibrations of light to be channelled into the Earth but they also assist in creating areas of high vibrational light upon the Earth that would inspire others and allow for a space to be accessed that already had a strong attunement to the Creator thus making the shift of ascension easier.

It is the same when you meditate in the same room for a long period of time, the room and its surroundings hold a high vibration and so if people enter the space who have never meditated before they will be supported to do so by the energy created.

Due to the ascension process of souls evolving and many souls being able to remain in their physical bodies after ascension the process and demands of ascension have altered meaning that many of the pathways created by the Ascended Masters are no longer needed. Now from the inner planes the Ascended Masters are creating new pathways of light from the Earth into the universe of the Creator.

Not only does this mean that higher vibrations of light are able to penetrate the Earth and your being, it also signifies that there will be sacred spaces upon the Earth or energy consciousness that can be accessed to support the new process of ascension and attunement with the Creator.

While the Ascended Masters are achieving this, we the Angelic kingdom are inspiring and overseeing the activations of light within your being. This is why we ask you to be consciously aware of the updates occurring within your chakra system.

Golden petal like energies are forming from the hearts of the Archangels born from a vibration of freedom of love. These golden petal like energies coil themselves into a funnel shape as they connect with each of your chakras, entering into your chakras with the smallest part of the funnel first. It is as if the golden petal like energies have umbilical cords connecting them to the hearts of the Archangels. As the golden petal of a funnel shape anchors into one of your chakras, it begins to draw and pour a great volume of light from the hearts of the Archangels into that chakra thus updating the chakra with consciousness, pure angelic vibrations of love and a freedom that can only be born from supreme and pure love. This is a process that you can allow to occur during meditation simultaneously to all of your chakras. You may then experience that each of your chakras becomes or holds the vibration of the angelic kingdom, with the consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love this may cause a deep and powerful opening and expansion of your chakras allowing the light of the Creator to pour with great abundance throughout your being, flooding your entire being with light. Not only will this raise the vibration of your chakras but it will also activate a deep remembrance of being of service with and from a space of love allowing you to integrate this vibration throughout your entire being and reality.

Updating your chakra system is focused upon allowing you to experience the Creator more fully within your reality. While it assists to be conscious of the process there isn’t a need to fully understand the process as this is different to being aware.

You may wish to use the invocation below to support your conscious acceptance of this updating process of your chakras.

‘I invoke Archangel Michael and all the Archangels to surround me completely as I gain a meditative state of being. Please protect and oversee my process at all times. I call upon the light of the Archangels to penetrate my being and chakra systems, let the golden petal like energies from the heart chakras of the Archangels anchor into my chakras simultaneously like funnels of golden light. I allow for the light and consciousness of selfless love and service and unconditional love from the Archangels to pour into my chakras allowing for a deep expansion and experiences of freedom born from love to be sensed and accepted within my chakra system and entire being.

Please ensure that all the energies I need to accept to be anchored within my chakras to aid the next stage of my spiritual ascension and my conscious awareness of my inner truth to emerge.

Please support the abilities of my chakras and process of expressing and radiating the truth of the Creator. Thank you.’

Simply allow yourself to breath and relax being aware of your senses and the energy around and within you, until you feel the process is complete.

Please know that the Angelic Kingdom is supporting you tremendously at this time of your ascension.

With Angelic unconditional love,

Archangel Michael

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

For the Decrees with Musical Accompaniment Click Here

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Prime Creator Announces the Beginning of The New Golden Age

Part 195, Prime Creator Announces the Beginning of The New Golden Age
I am Creator.  I have asked Lady Portia to take this message to give to the world.

It is my great pleasure to make an important announcement.  All important changes in the Universe require a special event to anchor them, to serve as the official beginning or end of an era.  I wish to declare that today, Monday, January 20, 2014 of the current Gregorian Earth Calendar will henceforth be known as the First Day of The New Golden Age.   It will usher in the beginning of new prosperity, peace, mutual cooperation and joy throughout all the Kingdoms of the Earth and beyond.

It is a time of change, a time of awakenings.  You will be learning things you could not have even imagined a day or a week ago.  You are all being raised up into the Light, given glimpses, a bit here, a hint there, of what you will be learning when you walk across the imaginary boundary which has held you in your 3 dimensional world.  You will emerge at the culmination of your meditations into the higher dimensions.

These messages have brought you along, increasing the challenge you were given, to open your hearts and your minds to feel your way toward the Truth of One.

Often you were puzzled or frustrated or confused.  The information you have been given seemed contradictory, and therefore not true.  You were forced to either choose from amongst two or three "Truths" or open your minds to the possibility that there might be a whole other possibility - a greater Truth which might lead to further levels of unknown regions of the Heart.

It will come as a great surprise to you that We in the higher dimensions sometimes tell you half-truths.  We do not lie to you; there would be no point in that.  We are not untruthful in our dealings, ever.  However, there are frequent occasions in which we can see that you are not at all ready for the whole truth - it would make you angry and turn you away, or it might pass right on by your understanding because you didn't have the background to understand it.  This is why we have led you, day by day, month by month, toward greater knowledge and wisdom.

It is not a simple endeavor, to lead an entire civilization which has been immersed in a rigid, intellectualized society of argumentative, quarreling and combative individuals, to bring all of them together toward a true meeting of the minds - which can only be accomplished by opening their hearts.  Yes, you have all been affected by the thousands of years of mind-over-heart and mind-over-matter arguments.  The last 600 years or so have been the worst, especially since Descartes proclaimed the mind superior to human emotion.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with using the scientific method to identify trends and small facts about the things you wish to study.  In some ways, it has moved you ahead, especially where some of your technologies are concerned, but it has done more to stifle originality than to expand it.  The most brilliant scientists do their best work during their sleep hours, when they collaborate with highly advanced galactic societies who share their findings with those who are open to it.  Of course, this has sometimes ended very badly, as in the premature development of nuclear fission, which was then immediately used to develop monstrously uncontrollable weapons and equally dangerous domestic technologies.

The use of nuclear power to generate electricity is a ridiculously reckless and inefficient method.  Were it not for the enormous profits it has generated for a few investors, at the cost of the health of your entire planet, it would not have even been given a second glance.  It is only thanks to the enormous subsidies of numerous governments that the plants have even been built.  We are preparing to see all these unnecessarily dangerous methods completely replaced with the simple, efficient and clean technologies which will be given to you by your galactic Brothers and Sisters.

The technologies you will be given are far superior to anything currently in development.  You will be amazed at the efficiency and ease with which all your homes, office buildings, civic buildings and even stadiums can be cooled, heated and softly lit, without a single drop of fossil fuels, and without producing a single carbon atom's worth of pollution.  This is just a small example of the momentous changes that will take place, to literally rescue and reward all the wonderful beings who reside on Gaia, your Mother Earth as you know her.

You, Beloved Earth Ones, have hewn to the path of Ascension, carrying the Light and the message of Love.  It is you who have created this glorious moment - you who have lifted your eyes to the Heavens in Faith.  You have envisioned the New World.  It is thus of your making.

We have taught you that your thoughts, combined with the energy of your hearts, create Reality.  You have learned to manifest those thoughts with great clarity.  When you focus on the vision of your hearts, powered by your great will, you are able to make wonderful things happen.

This is what you have done.  Together, you have focused on Abundance.  You have envisioned new housing for those who have lived in poverty, clean water for the people of the Earth who need it, food for the hungry, schools and loving teachers for the children who are starving for real knowledge, healing for the sick, and above all, peace on Earth.

So it shall be.  It is an auspicious time on Earth.  It is the first day of the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the celebration of Martin Luther King Day in the United States, and as the Chinese New Year approaches, the Year of the Horse becomes the new symbol - that of strength, exuberance and compassion.  It will be a year of enormous spiritual growth, expansion and Ascension for the entire planet.

Everyone on the planet - absolutely everyone - will experience the good fortune which will now fill all cups to overflowing.  Joy will replace fear as the predominant emotion.  Random acts of kindness will become the norm rather than newsworthy exceptions.

Open your hearts, Beloved Ones.  There are no more questions that need to be answered about when and how these changes will again take place.  They have already begun.  You have been blessed with a program of prosperity that will be completely inexplicable to the rational thinkers, the practical managers and the unbelievers.

We are here, your Guides and Ascended Masters, and we are bringing to Planet Earth the most powerful force in the Universe: Love.  Awaken to the Truth that you will never again be made to suffer by forces outside your control.  Now, as you read this, humane political and social systems are being instituted across the globe.

We now await the proper timing for the further announcements to be made, which you have called Disclosure - the revelation that you are not alone in the Universe, and that your neighbors are friendly - once all the cabal and its minions have been subdued and/or dispersed.  What follows will be spectacular, astonishing even for those of you who have followed these messages for years.  Your minds will experience such information overload that only those with open hearts will be able to grasp the Truth of what is happening, for so many of the things you thought you knew were deliberately distorted.  All the news that is coming is good news. The revelations will make your hearts sing.

I am overjoyed to be able to tell you this, at long last.

Look around you.  The colors are brighter, people's faces are younger, and all worry and care are evaporating like the morning dew.

Enjoy your blessings, My Beloved Children.  Your New Day is dawning today.

I love you without end.
I am your Creator.

Via Kathryn E. May, January 19, 2014, 11:30 PM GMT

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Time is Not Reality, Infinity and Eternity Is Our Reality Because Our Souls are Timeless

Out of This World

Heavenletter #4788                 
Published on: January 3, 2014

God said:

When you live in the present, you are not living in the past. When you live in the present, you are not remembering, nor are you getting ahead of yourself. When you live in the present, your identity as an individual is not active either. You are not aware of being in the present. You simply are there. The present is no more than Eternity and Infinity, and it is no less.

When you are into a movie, you are not thinking: “Boy, I am really excited about this movie.” When you are into a movie, you are caught up in the movie and not observing yourself.

We could say you have surrendered. You have surrendered all your boundaries. And so you arise, and so you live life.

It is like you are reading a wonderful book. The book is open. You are not noting the page number or the font or the author or the title of the book. You are not in parentheses.

We can say that you and the book are one. You are immersed in it and yet apart.

Do you begin to see how Eternity and Infinity have nothing to do with time? You are not in time. Of course, it feels like you are, the same way right now you feel your fingers or the keyboard or your feet on the carpet. Of course, in the world, there is physical reality.

When I speak of Reality, I speak of a different dimension of consciousness. All that there are words for is the relative world. Even the meanings of words change in the relative world. In the relative world, new words proclaim themselves. The physical world is the physical world. The physical world is ever-changing. Change is the name of the world. It is ever-changing, and there is differentiation. You see your hands. They move for you. They touch. They feel. They play the piano.

This is not the Reality I speak of.

In the world, bodies are born, and bodies die.

In the Vastness which We can call Infinity and Eternity, without time, there isn’t the fluctuation. Souls are timeless. Your soul is timeless. What I tell you is that, tied to the extant world, all that you see and all that you live is not real. Certainly, it seems real, and you feel your life depends on it. You have all the senses that help you live in the world of illusion. It is not surprising that the physical world seems real to you. You really enter into the world.

Beyond the world you seemingly live in, there is another Reality. Actually, it is the only true Reality, and you are here with Me where the Unknown is known. The outer world has beauty and love. There is no doubt about that. In the Reality I speak of, you don’t wear a body. You are light. In Heaven, you are Real, and you are Eternal and Infinite. In the world of physicality, you exist only for a while. Even if you lived in the world in a body for a thousand years, you would be living in illusion. In the extant world, your life is like a flash in the pan.

In Eternity and Infinity, there is no end to you. You are always. Vastness lives in Vastness. You are Vastness. You may appear as a blip on the screen, yet the blip and the screen are all illusion. You are never really anywhere except with Me. Regardless of the hold that life in the world has on you, you are never anywhere but with Me. This is how We are One, One Wonderful One, out of this world.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Heaven Works through Your Feet and Hands, Your Involvement Is Needed

Heaven Does Indeed Have Feet and Hands, But They are in Your Shoes and In Your Gloves
We bear a message today regarding the speeding up of the manifestation of those concrete changes on your planet for which you have been waiting so long. There is, at last, an over-balance reached which allows your intents, those of the ones you term lightworkers, to override more of the negative that still remains. Therefore you will see, or are seeing, an almost daily increase in change within your societies, and even your media stories.

A huge push is now being made to begin solid change which will develop into the beginnings of that higher dimensional life which you so desire. Some incredible, from your viewpoint, technologies will become commonplace within your very near future. Those who will not be controlled by your power structures have found ways around those who would continue to block them.

We continue to hear many say that we should do more. And once again we say to you, not to accuse, but to instruct, that you need to be the ones who do more. Heaven indeed does have feet and hands, but they are in your shoes and gloves, dear ones.

The Truth About the UFO Cover-ups and Who You Are

6 Ik, 5 Chen, 9 Caban

Dratzo! We return with much to say to you. The many action items that are required for the global currency reset have been completed. The next items involve manifesting the beginning of a new worldwide currency system. Along with these alterations are the ones dealing with a new banking system. The present changes are only the barest of beginnings of a new reality for humanity. These series of changes will lead to new governance that will put an end to the UFO cover-up. This cover-up started in earnest during World War II and continued with the infamous incident at Roswell in the summer of 1947. Once this cover-up is lifted, we can at last communicate with you directly. At this time, we can explain those things that you need to know before our first contact happens. Each of you needs to understand a number of things about the preparations being made by our mentors to help you become fully conscious. This will be followed by a training that readies you to be a full participant in your new galactic society.

This movement away from the present distress of your debt-ridden societies is part of a greater movement to set the energies for your new reality. Before you can become fully conscious, you require instruction and, above all, a working experience of what prosperity truly implies. In this new set of possibilities, you can explore what this realm is really about and what is expected of you. This goes beyond your present daily experience. It is time to read, interact and learn about Spirit and what this world is about. The mindless business that surrounds you is to be transformed into a daily time of learning, reading, and understanding the numerous changes now happening everywhere. To aid you, the Ascended Masters are to come and start a special teaching program to uncover and explain the so-called “secrets of life.” These teachings are to be enriched by knowledge that we will impart to you. By the time of the landings, you will be exposed to a great deal of information.

God Says Life, Soul, Spirit, Consciousness - All Oneness with God

There Are No Limits
Heavenletter #4787    Published on: January 2, 2014

God said:

Surely, ultimately, when you get down to it, your body is formed from a lump of clay. This is where dust unto dust comes from. The body comes, and the body goes. It is said I blew on you, and you became form. I blew your spirit into the form of you, and so you are the breath of you. You are a breath of life. You are soul, and soul shall you ever be. You may be without body, yet, without soul, you can never be. Bodies don’t walk around by themselves.

There is mind and heart. I suppose We could call soul an overview. Or We can call soul the very existence of you. Without soul, there is no you. You may identify with your body. You do identify with your body and a certain name given to you, you who live in a certain house or live on the street and so rest your head on the pavement at night.

Only in the relative world do place and position exist. It is as if the world does not make place for everyone. There are mansions, and there are hovels, and sometimes you may have no shelter in the world. Nevertheless, you are under My auspices. You are always in My arms. Regardless of what you may feel, this is a given. I am your Shelter. I am the roof over your head, and I am your very Foundation. I am the solid ground you tread on.

We can say that I am your Life. We can say that I am your very Soul. Soul you are. Spirit of My Spirit, you are. And there is Oneness. Don’t forget Oneness, the Reality of You.

The physical reality that you see, it’s a lot to you, yet, really, the physical manifestation has its place, yet it is not everything. It is not much. Your impression is otherwise. You hold onto your impression that the physical is your Very Life, and your Very Existence. The physical is a figure drawn in crayon. It gives you a shape. It outlines you — you Who are Vastness far beyond the boundaries of your body, far beyond the boundaries of the world. Think of the energy contained in Vastness. There is no way you do not far outdistance your body, this lump of clay.

Your body is a motor car on loan to you for a while. You may think you are dependent upon your motor car in order to get anywhere, and, yet, in truth, you are everywhere.

How far can a soul go? Everywhere. Your soul can go beyond everywhere you have consciousness of. The fact is that you are Consciousness. Consciousness is your Being. At the same time, you are often, even mostly, consciously unaware of your Very Being. What is your Being? It is your Very Consciousness even when you are unaware of it. You may think you are a trifle. What you may think and what you are amount to two different things.

You are, of course, My direct descendant who is ascending to the Kingdom of God. Where God is is Heaven. And God is everywhere. In that case, everywhere is Heaven, and you have never been away from Heaven except in your awareness. Where is God and the Kingdom of Heaven? Why, within you. You hold the key to Heaven. It is only your mind that you have to unlock. You are nowhere but in Heaven. Your perception is your perception. We can call it your reality, yet, by and large, your perception is a perceived reality, while your True Reality has no limits. Vastness is vast. It has no limitation. Limitation is limitation. Limitation does not exist. No matter how much you may think limitation is a bombshell, limitation does not exist.

You may think that life is made up of limitation, yet limitation is a manmade idea for which there is no excuse. I do not excuse you from imaginary limitation. You are to get beyond that concept. Vastness is yours. Limitation does not and cannot exist in Vastness. Only the Vast can exist in Vastness. And you are Vast. Vastness has no limits. You have no limits except as you think you do.


Your Quest For True Meaning and Purpose Is Answered

A Major Turning Point In Humanity's Spiritual Evolution Has Been Reached
Humanity’s quest for meaning, the ever ongoing search for a life purpose other than plain survival in an environment that does not support your bodily needs without a lot of effort and focus on your part, is now becoming far clearer to you. For eons basic survival was the driving force in human lives, but over the last few decades many of you have found yourselves in situations that are conducive to contemplation, to wise and thoughtful consideration of your religious, philosophical, political, and cultural beliefs and values – beliefs and values that had been imposed from without and which you had accepted unquestioningly. You no longer do so and this has and is causing anxiety and doubt of a nature not previously experienced. The comfortable acceptance of rigid dogmas and of the judgments attached to them has been severely shaken and is leading to a renewed and enthusiastic search for true spiritual guidance, guidance that does not come laden with a set of personally motivated agendas from self appointed and arrogant authority figures that are in conflict with its claimed ideals.

As you have so often been told you are divine beings of enormous power, and for eons you have collectively been using that power – without awareness – to maintain and support an illusion that imposes severe restrictions and limitations upon you, not the least of which are time and your human bodies. Time, which from your perspective can seem endless and overwhelming in respect to the formation of universes, galaxies, and star systems, and bodies which last only a very short time and which during that brief lifespan suffer frequently through illness, accident, or the untoward and unconscionable actions of others. Not a very encouraging or enticing environment in which to experience your all too brief lives.

Who You Truly Are and Why You Chose the Path Your Going Through

It Is Not Possible For You To Be Separate From Creator
We are here today to bring you another look at the subject we brought up in an earlier message. That subject is the make-up of who you are, of who we are.

This seems to be a very complex and difficult subject from your point of view, but we assure you that it is not. The difficulty lies only in the newness of the thought for you. And then, of course, there are those who cannot or will not entertain such thoughts for their own personal reasons.

Most of you who are reading this are those for whom that does not apply. It is time for you to begin to understand that you are a great deal more than what is surrounded by your physical bodies. Also, consider that this applies to every other person and every other entity around you. Even though your senses tell you that you have limits, that you are separate from everything, it is not, in fact, true. But that will lead us off on another tangent.

What we wish to dispel now is your perception that life happens to you. And while we are at it, let’s also get rid of the thought that things are determined before you get ‘here’ and there is nothing you can do about it. There is no conflict between the ideas of councils guiding your life and the fact that you are a being of free will.

Now, why is that? Dearest friends, that is because just beyond the veil of your forgetting there is a continuance of you that sits with us and receives this guidance and agrees with it, in fact, helps to formulate it. You, in great part, are guiding you. And yet, even when you entertain this idea, you say, “I would never choose this!”

You say that in your moments of pain, and we tell you that you would and you did. The trick, if it is one at all, is to look beyond the painful and ask, “In what way is this serving me?” That is a VERY difficult question to fathom in many situations. We do understand that. But it is true nevertheless.

There is no being in this entire universe, or indeed any other, who decides to make you suffer for anything. Well, with the exception of yourself, of course. We ask you to look at this possibility. When and if life is not as you would have it be, where and for what are you judging yourself as less than, as wrong, as guilty, as needing to make up for. And if you just cannot imagine what that might be, that is alright. Forgive yourself anyway. For what might you be unable to forgive self when your Creator has already forgiven you? Are you really that harsh on yourself? Well, yes, you are, dear friends. In many, many cases, you are indeed.

And you are separated from us and from Creator? It is not possible for you to be separate from Creator. You live in that illusion. You are never held separate from us, or your guides, or your families here either. There is, here, a much larger portion of you than you can imagine who is never apart from us. And so, in order to deal with your life, you have created another illusion.

And then there is the truth that, were you able to perceive the truth of all we have just explained, you would not wish to remain where you are. And where you are right now is very much where you wished to be at this time.

Take heart dear ones. We know that it is a difficult place you find yourselves in. But you are there right now in order to change that and also to witness and experience that change. The heavy lifting is almost all completely done now. You are now in the position of learning how to bring about that which you desire with far less opposition than heretofore. The biggest problem for you now will be that change is often messy. But, as it will also be unfolding and not sudden, there will also be much to celebrate and delight in.

Returning to the initial subject of this message, you will very soon begin, in fact many of you have already begun, you will very soon begin to feel the understanding of your greater selves and their relationship with the All. This will be something that will grow in you over all of your existence, but it begins. Thank you for your attention throughout this rather lengthy message. Love to you all, dear friends. Good day.
Michael and the Councils of Your Higher Selves
Channeled by Ron Head

January 13, 2014


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:


You've Inaugurated from the Struggle, Now Recieve Your Gift of Love Transformation

 The Love Transformation Channeled by Philipp

Dear Philipp, It is not that I have withdrawn from you. You are in a very intense inauguration phase which necessitates that you concentrate on yourself. We never withdraw in such a time [inauguration phase] but we do take a back seat. All those tasks linked to an inauguration phase – and we purposely don’t use the term “tests” since there is too much judgment and fear e.g. of not passing the test associated with it – need your full and undivided attention.

Each inauguration phase is a gift to you and it is only you that can accept and unwrap this present. We know very well how difficult this gift can be. You receive it and you are holding it in your hands, shaking it and wondering what could be inside. You want to unwrap it immediately but you struggle with the tie fastening. Therefore, you go through phases of anger and frustration which could last for days, weeks and even months.

You feel like you are completely alone, abandoned and lost. You are faced with many forms of fear and you feel very disheartened. But then, suddenly, the moment of unwrapping is here. You integrate the gift into your Being, raise yourself above all the difficulties, spread your wings and transform into the butterfly that is the New You. So, next time – when you go through such a phase and experience all the frustration and anger – please know that this is part of the gift to you. It lasts only until the exact Divine moment when you are able to unwrap the gift, when you have integrated all the necessary precursors for being able to enjoy your gift to the fullest extent.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The New Declaration of Independence for Planet Earth by Mother/Father God

Part 194, The New Declaration of Independence for Planet Earth

We are very aware of how upset many people are at having been told every week that this would be the week for the first Prosperity funds to be released to the Lightworkers.  We are also aware of how many of you have exhausted your funds in a way you would not have done if you had not believed they were coming.

We do understand that it is a matter of faith that you used your resources in generous and liberal ways to bring pleasure to your families, yourselves and others.  Many of you have worked at what you love without pay, or with very little.  You are talented and resourceful people and would have been able to earn large salaries if you had pursued the money path rather than a spiritual path.

It has caused much concern in the Lightworkers' community to know that there are so many who are losing their houses, closing their businesses and forgoing many things in order to continue their connection to the greater project - working on themselves, offering to be of service to others, and pursuing their studies to raise vibrations to prepare for Ascension.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Call to All Vanguard, Wayshowers, and Lightworkers - Love Is A Natural State Of Being


 Beloved masters, never forget: Love is a natural state of Being. Love is a life-sustaining, inborn condition. When love is the radiating force in your life, fear disappears. Fear is created by the absence of love. Fear is a state of mind created by tapping into lower frequency, distorted, thought forms. When you turn inward and tap into that well-spring of love within your Sacred Heart, it first permeates your Inner Being; the remainder then radiates out into the world. As a result, you will begin to see through eyes filtered by loving energy, which will change how you view the people in your life–it will also affect how you handle everyday challenges and opportunities–an overlay of loving energy creates miracles.

To become a Self-master, you must endeavor to integrate the right and left hemispheres of your brain so that you may gain access to your Sacred Mind. It is also vital that you integrate the male/female attributes and virtues of the perfect Adam and Eve Kadmon template of your universal OverSoul-Self. (ADAM=ATOM * EVE=EVOLUTION).

Please, take a few moments to sit quietly and turn inward as you focus on your Sacred Heart Center. Feel the expansion of your Solar Power Center as you move deeper and deeper into your Sacred Heart Chamber. Feel the overwhelming love that slowly radiates throughout your body, for you are now connected to your Diamond Core God Cell, which contains the precious Seed Atom of your Divine Essence. Therein is an inexhaustible supply of Adamantine Particles waiting for you to activate them with your loving intention. It is a tangible experience, beloveds. It is real, and it is the most wondrous, blissful feeling you will ever experience while in the earthly vessel, for you will have tapped into the pure loving Essence of our Mother/Father God.