A Major Turning Point In Humanity's Spiritual Evolution Has Been Reached
Humanity’s quest for meaning, the ever ongoing search for
a life purpose other than plain survival in an environment that does not
support your bodily needs without a lot of effort and focus on your part, is
now becoming far clearer to you. For eons basic survival was the driving force
in human lives, but over the last few decades many of you have found yourselves
in situations that are conducive to contemplation, to wise and thoughtful
consideration of your religious, philosophical, political, and cultural beliefs
and values – beliefs and values that had been imposed from without and which
you had accepted unquestioningly. You no longer do so and this has and is
causing anxiety and doubt of a nature not previously experienced. The
comfortable acceptance of rigid dogmas and of the judgments attached to them
has been severely shaken and is leading to a renewed and enthusiastic search
for true spiritual guidance, guidance that does not come laden with a set of
personally motivated agendas from self appointed and arrogant authority figures
that are in conflict with its claimed ideals.
As you have so often been told you are divine beings of
enormous power, and for eons you have collectively been using that power –
without awareness – to maintain and support an illusion that imposes severe
restrictions and limitations upon you, not the least of which are time and your
human bodies. Time, which from your perspective can seem endless and
overwhelming in respect to the formation of universes, galaxies, and star
systems, and bodies which last only a very short time and which during that
brief lifespan suffer frequently through illness, accident, or the untoward and
unconscionable actions of others. Not a very encouraging or enticing
environment in which to experience your all too brief lives.
You are all eternal beings, and death is but part of the
illusion, often an alarming part because it seems so final and inevitable. And
as you have searched widely in recent decades for a culture, a philosophy, or a
religion that offers truth and meaning many of you have opened your hearts to
love, and have found it in the most unexpected places. You have realized that
without love, forgiveness, and compassion that lasting peace is impossible.
This realization has become apparent and is being acknowledged in personal
relationships, has spread to families, to small social groups and
organizations, and the wisdom and knowledge it demonstrates is now starting to
be put into practice on a much wider scale. You are changing the world one
person at a time, and that is the only way that lasting change can occur. Each one
of you has to embrace and demonstrate love, honesty, integrity, and trust, and
each day more and more of you are doing just that. A major turning point in
humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached, and there truly is only
spiritual evolution, any other form is of the illusion and does not last.
Spiritual evolution is the path to your awakening, and
you are now most firmly established on it with the destination in sight. You
will be pleased to know there is now not the slightest possibility of turning
back or of retracing your steps, you are moving firmly forwards and nothing can
prevent you from achieving your destiny.
Once you embrace love, God’s Love offered to you in every
moment, it is impossible for you not to share It and extend It because your
individual energy fields expand every time that you do so, creating for
yourself an irresistible space of peace and acceptance that also draws others
to you who then do likewise. The evolutionary progress that humanity has made
over the last six or seven decades is quite astounding, and although there are
still many who have chosen not to start evolving yet, and who are seemingly
causing mayhem all over the world, the remaining time they have in positions
from which they can continue to orchestrate conflict and betrayal is running
out very rapidly.
Some of them have finally started questioning their
agendas, their motivations, because even they have been infected by Love,
mainly for their progeny, which previously they inoculated themselves against
so that they would have the strength to bury their true feelings as they drove
all those with whom they were involved to sacrifice themselves for “the cause.”
The cause being their own personal agenda to maintain power over others at all
costs, even if it meant destroying their loved ones. But then of course their
loved ones were merely possessions to be used as circumstances demanded to
consolidate or strengthen their positions.
Your history clearly shows that these power-driven
dynasties are always defeated eventually, even if they do succeed in the short
term in living in great wealth or splendor while doing great damage to others
during their time in power. Your history also shows very clearly that replacing
one dynasty with another, as has happened so many times, solves no problems
whatsoever in the long term. Power sought and fought for divides and corrupts
totally, while your innate power, which can never be taken from you, your
divine inheritance given to you at the moment of your creation is inclusive, accepting,
and eternally incorporated within each of you because you are all One perfectly
integrated Whole with God.
The power that you can gain on Earth through force of
arms, manipulation of others, deceit, or betrayal is but a form of quicksand, a
swamp, a whirlpool that sucks you in crushing and smothering you, filling you
with fear, and distracting you from your life’s purpose – awakening. It has
always to be protected and defended, and that alone demonstrates that it is not
power but weakness.
You do not need and should not seek that kind of power
over others, because, apart from the harm you do to them, you do great and
lasting damage to yourselves by engaging with it. It very effectively turns you
against yourself in inner conflict because you can never live up to the
standards you demand of yourself to prove that you are invincible, which of
course you are not. You become ever more removed from the true You as you avoid
loving attitudes or behaviors of any kind in order to remain strong. Happiness
becomes impossible and bitterness and anger rule you as you seek out and
destroy any whom you think might deceive or betray you, leaving you apparently
alone, isolated, and separated from Love, God, your Source – even while perhaps
claiming to do His Will.
But those separated ones are not separated, because
separation is not an option, they are merely unaware because they have closed
their eyes to His Light, and their hearts to His Love. When you surrender to
the Will of God, which as you well know is also your will, you open yourselves
to His Love allowing It to flow through you, thus intensely strengthening your
own individual energy fields and encouraging them to join together with those
of others bringing you together as one. And in that surrender lies your eternal
power, a power that you can never lose and which makes you as invincible as
your Source.
No one will remain forever closed to God, because the
Light of His Love burns within each one of you and is, in the end, utterly
irresistible. So send love to those who are lost and shut down, no matter how
harshly they are behaving, and thereby intensify the Love burning within you.
As we keep telling you Love, and Love alone, is the answer to every problem.
You have only to allow It to flow freely, without let or hindrance, and all
will be eternally well. And there is no way that you can stop It from flowing
freely, abundantly, and eternally, because It is All, there is nothing else.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
January 8, 2014 by John Smallman
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