Tuesday, March 4, 2014

God and I, I and God, The Wonder of Oneness

Heavenletter #4849 The Wonder of Oneness , March 5, 2014

God said: 

We can say that you are the twinkle in My eye. We can say that you are the outpouring of My heart. We can say that you are the Light of God strewn on the Earth. You are the declarer of My Heart, My Vision, and My Reason for Being.

Everyone and everything is I, yes, and that means you.

I do not have a selfish bone in My body, as the expression goes, yet it is for Myself that I have you come to keep Me company. I like you. I like having you around. I also happen to love you with every breath of My Being. I have love to give, and I give it.

You may say that I created the Universe so there would be stories. That is not too far off the mark. Through you, come stories. There never is a drought of stories to be told, to witness, to wonder about, to search for the meaning of. The meaning is Life in the World. Sometimes you would like to skip life on Earth and just get to the chase. Of course, you will get to the chase. You are already getting to the chase.

You will be front center. You will see that all I have promised, I keep. There is really no keeping to it. There is really nothing but Oneness, and from Our Oneness has come all the stories and poems and mythology and wonderment.

You lack nothing, beloveds. While you are out and about in the world, you are also back with Me in what is called Heaven, and you don’t lack anything either. Wholeness exists. Where, within Wholeness, can there be lack? You are Whole, beloveds. You are the Wonder of Oneness. It is yourself that you want to achieve before you right now. You are your own discovery, and it happens that sometimes you come upon yourself unawares.

What a life you have! What a world you race upon and involve yourself in! What storms you cook up! What miracles you perform! Here you are, here, in Heaven with Me, and you are convinced that you are roaming around the world, on a mountain, or in a forest, or desert, or river stream. Just think of all the places you imagine yourself to be and make decisions about, like where should you live?

There is no place you live but with Me. You may avert your head or close your eyes. You may not see Me, yet I tell you squarely, there is nothing else to really see but Me, which, of course, includes you. What a Creating of Nothingness I made, and out of it I made possible an enactment of Everything that you can think of and much you have not yet thought of or gotten a handle on.

You are baffled and bewildered about this Vastness of Oneness that you seem to be standing on and living in, coming and going, when there is, after all, nothing but Our Embrace. Separation does not exist. The very idea of separation is an amazing concept of what is not true, not true at all. Ah, illusion.

I suppose you might say now that I made you up! I created you One by One, and now I tell you that this individual self you pal around with is a figment of your imagination. You blurt out: “God, what were you thinking? What kind of a hodge-podge is this, where Truth and fiction seem to be indiscernible? For all practical purposes, they cannot be told apart.”

Yes, that is so, yet, that this Truth and this fiction cannot be told apart is also fiction. Yet, regardless, all the fiction in the world doesn’t change a whit that I am One and you are One with Me.


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