#4900: You Are Here to Sing a Song
God said:
Sometimes you may feel that you have reached bottom. This
is an idea to let go of. Both top and bottom are ideas that do not hold up. How
many times have I suggested that you look up? Consider that you have climbed a
mighty mountain. Even at the peak of a mighty mountain, you can look up.
Wherever you may be on your imaginary scale, you can look up. If you can look
askance, you can look up. It makes all the difference in the world that you
look up.
Defeat may be what something looks like in the world. You
know the world. It is not so highly reliable. The world flip-flops all the
time. Beloveds, if you can feel down, you can feel up. Raise yourself by
looking up. I mean literally to look up. The sky is above for a reason. I will
go so far as to say there is only up. Gravity keeps you on Earth. Gravity
grounds you, yet grounding does not mean to keep you down. Life on Earth does
not have to be filled with rue. Rue is not more worthy than joy. Life does not
have to be heavy. Heavyweight is not better than lightweight. Light is the
spirit that dances between stars. You are made of this selfsame spirit.
Heaviness is sorrow.
How light even is the snow that falls to Earth.
Remember that you carry a ticket to Heaven. It is yours.
It has your name on it. Holy be your name.
It is not a disgrace to have been born on Earth. It is a
tribute. It is a blessing. It is a blessing for you. It is a blessing to the
world, and it is a blessing to Me. I blessed Myself when I gave you life on
Earth and blessed you and the Earth. You are My messenger from Heaven sent to
Earth to proclaim the loveliness and Oneness of Life on Earth. You are a
testament to glory. Glory is Mine, and it is yours. Glory be to God, and glory
be to you who fulfill My promise given to the world.
The song says, “Hark the herald angels.” You are herald
angels come to enliven the Earth and speak for Me. You are identifiers of Me,
and, therefore, you identify yourself and everyone. You are here on Earth to
thrive. Thrive, I say. You are not here on Earth to go downhill. Hardly. You
are here to sing a song. Start now. Proclaim and reveal joy on Earth. Sing a
song of tribute in My Name.
You may have thought that I am to be all about you. It is
you who is to be all about Me! You are the sounder of love and peace on Earth.
You are the forerunner of love and peace on Earth. You are to tell the Truth
and to reveal the Truth of Seeming Existence on Earth. You are Infinite Being.
Yes, you can live life on Earth and reveal its beauty. Beauty is for the
asking. Beauty is for its own expression, and you are the expresser of it.
Beautiful are you who sings My song. Blessed be you.
You are on the forefront of the world. Sing its praises.
Sing high notes. Let your life be the song you sing. Make a sweeping gesture
with your arm and bless the Earth. As the sun rises every morn, so do you. Even
in the process of what you call setting, the sun is rising. It is preparing to
rise. You are someone who rises. Rise before Me now.
Channeled by Gloria Wendroff
Published on: April 25, 2014
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