Lady Nada (Received 4.18.14):
Of all the souls in the Universe, you are special. You
are EACH special in your own right. No one soul possesses what you have to
offer. The key is to know that and then to be in the frame of mind and heart to
want to offer it, regardless of what your neighbor or friend or colleague or
loved one does or says or offers themselves. You know you are each unique.
In these times of immense change it is even more
important to know this and to acknowledge this. For you each have a mission and
purpose that no one else does. You are compelled to offer it in concert to
complete the whole of Oneness, all of beautiful souls joined together as One
but each fitting the piece of the puzzle, intricately placed and applied, to
complete the whole beautiful picture of ONEness, each in your own special way.
So please put away your insecurities…as in: “Am I doing
enough?”; “Am I enough?”; “What am I supposed to do?” In many cases all that
requires of you is to just BE who you are, without reservation, without
hesitation, and with all the LOVE you can muster and anchor into yourself,
Gaia, the Universe and all the Multiverse. Doing your part sometimes just means
not ‘doing’. Relax and melt into yourself and expand your horizons by accepting
that you are unique, and by listening to your inner self you will know what to
do next, if anything. It will simply flow from you.
This is a time of immense change and all are required to
“be on deck”, so to speak. So any distractions from the outside are merely
that…distractions from you being wholly who you are and feeling wholly who you
are, and performing what you do best, which cannot be measured by anyone else’s
Remember you are loved. Remember you are cherished, and
remember that all this raising in consciousness and this elevation of frequency
you are a part in could not happen without YOU. So be cognizant of that, be at
peace with that, and just allow yourself to blossom in these amazing energies.
Much is afoot, much is happening, not only below the surface, but in physical manifestation
now. You are all a part of that. Be at peace with that. Rejoice in that. You
are The ONE.
So dear ones, I leave you now with my blessings and my
LOVE and wish you a pleasant journey in this momentous time. I will return with
more “tidbits” of encouragement. For now, as they say, “Lay Low”, which really
means the opposite in this case: Allow yourselves to Rise, for the air/energies
are so buoyant for you now, but stay centered and stay calm and do everything
you can to nourish your physical body as well as your singing heart which wants
to experience all it can in these coming days.
You are the master at the helm of these amazing times.
And you know what to “do”: Encompass and embrace all you can and allow the
transformation, dear ones! We are all excited to meet you more and more in the
coming days. We are excited to see your transformation in the coming days. And
you really do not have to do anything more than Love yourselves and each other
and Gaia and the Universe and the Multiverse and feel at One with it and all,
which you are, dear ones, you ARE!
My Love is yours, always…
I AM Lady Nada
Channeled by Fran Zepeda
April 19, 2014
Note from Fran 4.19.14: As I typed the last word in the
body of Lady Nada’s transmission, typing the “e” in Namaste’, my eyes were
averted to the word counter which had reached 555…meaning profound changes!!!!!
Then later that evening, my eyes were averted to the clock which also flashed
555. So I feel it was Lady Nada and indeed the Universe affirming that we are
indeed in the middle of profound change! What magical times we are in! What
beautiful synchronicity we are all privy to! Love to all!
©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and
distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and
unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.
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