Gently Cleansing Your Emotional Baggage
As the soft flow of energy moves above you, within you
and all around you, you will come to the discovery that there are many
experiences that can be found while experiencing God’s Light. It is important
to understand dear ones, each experience you encounter will produce an imprint
on your awakened self, a kind of mark that helped to change the parts of you
that needed changing, that allowed you to become liberated and no longer
feeling separated from your own truth or from the Light of God.
The radiant brilliance of God’s Light flows gently around
the dear souls that are completely ready to receive this Divine Light. Even
your own beautiful Earth receives nourishment from His penetrating Light very
similar to the way dry earthly soul will absorb a drink of life-giving and
sustaining water and it is true many plants that grow on your Earth will send
their roots out seeking as far as possible in order to sustain its life and to
thrive. As you reach towards God’s Radiant Light, you too are being nourished
and sustained.
Comprehend dear ones, the Light that comes from God, the
Divine Source of ALL life holds sacred and divine qualities within its
brilliance; to those that are ready to receive God’s Light, it comes bearing
gifts of clarity, love, truth, happiness, security with self, harmony as well
as the wisdom that is described as being blessed and sacred. Each of the
mentioned qualities can be obtained and received by your consciousness dear
ones as you become opened and accepting of God’s Radiant Light. The more dear
souls that welcome His Light, the greater the expansion of Light flows to
family, friends and they become Anchors of Light for others that have just
The dear souls that can see, hear and have the hearts to
feel His great flow of love that is moving throughout all people every day,
even now are blessed and set apart as they have been given an exceptional
mission and that dear ones is to share His Light, to make it even more
available and as it transforms one dear soul it will begin to transform others
with time and love filled effort.
As you continue to move forward, welcoming the divine
presence of God that is a deep and sacred part of your life, you may stumble
across emotional blocks that have been powerfully rooted deep into thoughts through
conditioning patterns. What we observe by many who reach this stage of their
development and growth is as they try with all their might to go beyond these
powerful emotional blocks, they become tired and frustrated which gives birth
to them feeling unworthy and helpless and during such times many dear souls
will quit. We encourage during the most challenging of times when you think you
can’t go another step, take the next step keep going, nourish yourself with
your own love and compassion and trust the illuminated path God has set before
We know how difficult it is to move beyond the emotional
blockages and baggage that has weighed you down and in many cases created
hindrances along your journey. But it is essential dear ones that you learn to
remove your emotional baggage in order to free the heavy, negative weight from
your heart and the best way to do this dear ones is by cleansing your emotions.
In order to undergo an emotional cleansing, you must deeply and honestly commit
and to be willing to permit God’s Radiant Light to enter the sacred space of
your whole self and become so opened and forgiving that you allow your heart to
become less attached and to love more freely and deeply.
It is through your commitment to release your emotional
blocks and baggage that always begins with a humble recognition and realization
that all situations that crosses your path also gives you the opportunity to
remember your divine identity – and this divine entity that is you will be able
to recognize the divinity in others as they come to the realization that they
are not separated but interconnected and each dear soul are smaller pieces of
In order to bring such truth to your consciousness dear
ones you must be able to permit yourself to truly recognize the gifts that came
with each life experience and to be able to demonstrate compassion to every
dear soul that has touched your life in some way. Once you begin walking the
path that brings you into divine alignment with your own truth, you can begin
to gently and lovingly go within and continue the process of letting go your
emotional blockages and baggage that was preventing you from experiencing God’s
Radiant Light and feeling completely blissful in His presence.
The emotions that hide and create spiritual blocks may
include resentment, feelings of betrayal, insecurities, feeling unworthy,
feeling of rejection, certain fears, despair, guilt, and deceitfulness just to
name a few but enough for you to understand how to identify in order for you to
cleanse these negative emotions from your being. Emotional cleansing dear ones
requires you to be able to go deep within the center core of your being, where
you willingly and consciously release these negative emotions and replace them
with love and compassion for yourself and for others.
A great way of releasing repressed emotions or blockages
is through writing letters. Emotions that have been hiding will flow as you
write and through the action of putting pen to paper you are also enforcing a
creative action of expression. The simple act of writing letters as a method to
release those negative emotions when combined with your commitment to create a
deeper spiritual awareness is all you need. Begin writing your letter to
yourself. Look back at your childhood, observe the fond and painful
recollections and begin to separate any experiences that helped to create any
amount of emotional disturbance and discomfort. With these experiences that
created an emotional discomfort learn if you hold any one person responsible for
the experience that was painful and disturbing, discover how this experience
has affected your current life, do you question if you can or cannot close this
experience and are you willing to let it go in order to achieve peace and
harmony. You are not those feelings that were created out of negative and
painful experiences. You are a beautiful divine child of God and through His
Radiance you will find healing, you will feel His Love and it will nourish the
hunger inside of you and help to release the negative emotions that have
stunted your growth for so long. Free yourself into God’s welcoming and
comforting embrace.
Because of your commitment to bring the emotions that
have been hiding for so long to your awareness and consciousness you will be
able to clearly identify how these emotions have cluttered and hindered the
well-being of your life. Now compare the mess of negative emotions with all the
stuff you have accumulated over the years that can be described as junk. As you
are able to remove an old ratty sweater, or a broken piece of furniture you are
also able to remove an emotion or belief that has is no longer useful. You can
adopt a spring cleaning of your emotions the same way you do your home, you let
go of what is no longer of value in order to make room for new and meaningful
ways of living and being.
After you have practiced letting go of your heavy
negative emotions by writing yourself letters where you probed into certain
areas and experiences you are able to create letters to any person who you have
ill feelings towards. Understand the point to writing these letters dear ones
is not to give these letters to the one it is addressed to; it is a healing
exercise that allows your emotions to flow and to be released and cleansed.
Through this method of cleansing you will come to know a part of yourself that
you may have forgotten and your re-acquaintance will leave you feeling humbled
and peacefully happy.
As you learn to detach yourself from any judgments,
resentments or any other negative thought or action you have placed on others,
you begin to take responsibility for all your choices that have brought
happiness and unhappiness. You become humbled as you realize it was your choice
to hang on to any painful memory that prevented you from experiencing the
positive vibrations of Love and Light that emanates from God that would have
delivered you to new and positive emotions. Now is the time dear ones to bring
in new changes, to adopt a compassionate way of living that is positive and
Light. Give yourself the gift of love and turn around and share this love with
the world.
And so it is…
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller
Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ December 22 – 29, 2013
December 22, 2013
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