Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Time Of Vigilance - Empowering Ourselves

This is a time of vigilance for awakening Humanity and the millions of Lightworkers who have worked so tenaciously to co-create the Cosmic Moment we are now in the midst of, but this is not a vigilance based in fear. It is a vigilance based in the inner peace and the elation of knowing that we have God Victoriously made it through the most fragile and complex, yet the most monumental, shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds.

The Heavens are rejoicing, and every man, woman, and child on Earth is being bathed in the most intensified 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of Divine Love that we are capable of withstanding without being vaporized. This unfathomable Divine Love is flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth from the Divine Matrix of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL That Is. This Divine Matrix is the Body of God within which every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. Within this Divine Matrix we are not only One with our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we are One with our Father-Mother God, the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, and every single facet of Life ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation.

With this realization comes the awareness that since we are One with ALL Life the concepts of separation and duality are illusions. This means that every thought, word, feeling, action, belief, or memory we express reverberates through all Life everywhere. Amazingly, with every breath we take we are either adding to the Light of the World or to the shadows depending on what we are thinking, feeling, saying, doing, believing, or remembering. The vigilance that our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven are invoking from every one of us at this time, is the vigilance of deliberately adding to the Light of the World through our thoughts and feelings, instead of empowering the obsolete and fear-based patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth.

In many instances, we just muddle through the day allowing our thoughts and feelings to buffet us about without any conscious direction. Consequently, monitoring what we are thinking and feeling moment by moment seems very tedious, or maybe even impossible. But please know this, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! Now, due to the miraculous events that have taken place since the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth, vigilance over our thoughts and feelings is easier than ever before.

For one thing, every single person on Earth, that is correct every single person on Earth, has experienced an activation within his or her pineal gland which has allowed them to experience the initial impulse of their return to Christ Consciousness. This miracle was victoriously accomplished under the guidance and Divine Intervention of each person’s I AM Presence, which was possible because awakened Humanity reached a critical mass of Divine Love after the Birth of the New Earth. That event created an unstoppable shift of consciousness on this planet that allowed each person’s I AM Presence to activate their dormant pineal gland. Our pineal glands became dormant when we fell into the fear-based consciousness of separation and duality aeons ago.

The pineal gland is the spiritual brain center that directly receives the Light of God from our I AM Presence. This is the Divine Light that lifts and sustains us in the enlightened frequencies of Christ Consciousness. Our newly activated pineal gland is also connecting us once again with ALL of the multidimensional aspects of our own Divinity. I know that many people were expecting to witness an instant transformation in the hearts and minds of the masses with this activation, but that is not the way this shift into Christ Consciousness will manifest. The outer world effects of this activation and the reconnection with our own Divinity will not manifest in the physical plane instantaneously. This shift into Christ Consciousness will evolve within each person and manifest as subtle changes in their behavior patterns.

As Christ Consciousness and the awareness of Humanity’s Oneness with ALL Life filters into the hearts and minds of the multitudes, the atrocities people are inflicting on each other and the Nature Kingdom will no longer feel right, or seem necessary. The dog-eat-dog survival consciousness of our fragmented and fear-based human egos will no longer be a viable option. Even though that self-obsessed consciousness has become the order of the day for millions of people, it will begin to feel wrong.

Day by day, people will start thinking twice about their behavior. Their old reflex responses based in selfish and often corrupt actions will not be their normal mode of operation any more. People will not be willing to gain whatever they are striving for by harming other people or the environment. Instead, through the eyes of Christ Consciousness, they will see the bigger picture and figure out how they can accomplish their goals in ways that will enhance life not only for themselves but for everyone involved. Then win-win situations will be the order of the New Day on Planet Earth. With this heartfelt intention based in Oneness and Divine Love, viable solutions will filter into people’s conscious awareness and they will realize that functioning from a consciousness of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life is not only life-transforming it is uplifting and fulfilling in wondrous and glorious ways.

Now, in perfect Divine Order, we have received a gift of Light from the Heavenly Realms that has moved Humanity’s shift into Christ Consciousness forward by leaps and bounds.

Becoming Master of Our Thoughts and Feelings

Know that the Love of God and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to manifest in Humanity’s everyday life experiences. In order for this to occur however, the Divine Love and the patterns of perfection must be drawn through the Divinity pulsating within the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God who are abiding in the physical plane of Earth; this means you and me. We will only accomplish this by staying focused in the Light and by being vigilant of every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we are empowering moment to moment.

So how do we go about doing this? What is the easiest way for us to become the masters of our thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and memories instead of the victims of our unconscious mental ramblings? Well, the key is for us to be consciously aware of the profound Truth that—WHERE OUR ATTENTION IS THERE WE ARE!

Remember, we are One with ALL Life and there is no separation. Every single moment of the day we are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows depending on our frame of mind. To determine which one we are empowering, all we have to do is pay attention to what we are thinking and feeling as we go about our day. This may seem like a difficult task, but actually it is just a slight adjustment in our awareness. We need to simply ask our I AM Presence to help us to be cognizant of what we are thinking and feeling moment by moment. In the beginning this may seem like a lot of work. Time and again, we will have to deliberately bring our attention back to what we are thinking and feeling. But gradually, with our newly activated pineal glands and the activation codes from the Comet ISON, paying attention to our thoughts and feelings will become very natural and automatic.

So let’s begin.

The best way to start this process is by invoking your I AM Presence and aligning with the I AM Presence of all Humanity every morning. This is easily done by simply stating...

“I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.”

Then ask your I AM Presence to help you be consciously aware of what you are empowering with your thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories as you go about your day.

Throughout your day periodically ask yourself...

“Is what I AM thinking and feeling now what I want to empower and sustain in my life? At this moment, are my thoughts and feelings adding to the Light of the World or the shadows?”

If your thoughts and feelings are not empowering what you want to create in your life or adding to the Light of the World then blaze the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection through them and ask yourself...

“What do I want to focus my attention on and create in my life instead of that? I ask my I AM Presence to reveal to me ideas and viable options that will help me empower and sustain what I want to create in my life while I AM adding to the Light of the World. I want to accomplish this with the highest good of all concerned.”

After you ask your I AM Presence to help you, take a moment and go within the Divinity of your Heart to listen for the answers that your I AM Presence will reveal to you. The answers from your I AM Presence will help you create what you want in your life in the most positive and Loving way. The more you focus your attention on what you want to create in your life, while simultaneously invoking the Violet Flame to transmute everything that conflicts with the vision of what you want, the sooner your life will reflect the changes you desire.

The more vigilant you are in paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, the faster your life will change and the sooner the New Earth will become a tangible reality in your everyday experiences. Day by day, as you become the master of your thoughts and feelings, you will see evidence of the shift into Christ Consciousness that is manifesting not only in your heart and mind, but in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Know that this is not a shift of consciousness that is destined for some future time. Christ Consciousness is beginning to manifest through the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity right here and right now. And so it is.

Patricia Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

PAO - Newsletter December 5, 2013

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