Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The World is Changed by Your Example, Not By Your Opinion


As the light energy expands, it permeates all that was hidden and cloaked in mystery. This was all part of the plan. 2013 was the year of preparation. 2014 is the year of completion. You have set so much in place, and you now have a clear picture of what needs to be done. You have awakened to the fact that you are not helpless and you know what needs to be done.

All that was done to control you, needs to be looked at. Now, you can see clearly how their control system works. They NEED to keep you in FEAR in order for they, themselves, to survive: it’s as simple as that. The Cabal sets out to make you all feel like victims: the so-called terror threats, the ill health that is the direct result of what they do to your food, water and air supply. The evidence for this is overwhelming. Thankfully, you are now waking up to this.

Questions must be asked. Why would you support those who are destroying your planet and CULLING THE POPULATION ? Are you assisting in this? For they cannot do it without your help. I ask that you give serious thought to this question. Is your conscience clear? Can you look your fellow man in the eye and say with honesty that what you do, does not have a detrimental effect on humanity or your planet? Chemtrails do not just happen. Who is involved in this evil practice? Remember . . . it is your money, through your taxes, that pays for it. In effect, you are paying for your own demise. Consider the suffering which this practice is responsible for.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Seeing The Year 2013 Through the Eyes of God

As you have already noticed, the floodgates have been opened now, and a continuous stream of light is flooding into you all. This may manifest itself in so many ways, but first, it will as usually make itself heard in your physical body. Again we hear groans of frustration, so please trust us when we say that this is an unavoidable part of this whole process. Remember, this is not in any way done in order to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible, even if that may seem to be the case in more ways than one. But now, these heightened energies will also bring with them other, less unpleasant side-effects, if we may use such a word, and we think you will all find that these intensified physical responses will start to taper off soon, and then, these other effects will start to become more noticeable.

This will be of little consolation to those still suffering in the throes of some rather intense physical eruptions of different kinds this time, especially since many of you have important days ahead, days you will be spending with your near ones, days that you will feel less inclined than usual to suffer from these physical setbacks. Well, we think that many of you will indeed feel a lessening of these symptoms during those festive days, and even if you will still have a hard time finding your balance again in the aftermath of this intensely charged weekend, we still think you will all find ample time to sit back in peace and quiet and savour this feeling of accomplishment.

For again we want to remind you all that you have accomplished so much these last few months, and as this can easily be lost under the blur of physical and mental convulsions that you have all suffered, it bears to be repeated again. For this year, you have all gone above and beyond the limits you held yourself strictly to just a few months back, and we know that this will become evident to you all if you manage to really go within and take stock of just who you are today. For then, you will find a very new landscape, one that has slowly emerged during these last few months. And, as we have told you so many times already, this virgin territory is so vast, you have not even seen more than the first little segments of it yet. For you have started to unfold this huge, blank canvas within you, one that is untainted by the old and sad scratchings from the one you used to be. And now, you will be given all the colors you can think of in order to start to create the image you want to be.

For you have finished your own cleansing to such a degree, there is no need to hold back on creating the new you, and as such, we want you all to give yourself the biggest gift this Holiday season. For you certainly deserve it in all the ways that one can describe. For you have worked so hard to get to where you are today, standing on the threshold of not only a new year, but a brand new beginning. So let us remind you that this is indeed the perfect time to do as we ask you to do, to sit down and take stock, and please, remember to be generous to yourself as you do this. Do not look for any failings you might consider to still be a part of your life. No, search for the victories, for they are indeed plentiful, and that goes for each and every one of you.

For you are no longer the same person you were when this year started. For in your wake, lies lifetimes of accumulated dross, dross that will no longer serve to hold you back in any way. So this time, we do urge you to take a look over your shoulder, the better to see all of the old baggage you have left behind on this stage of the journey. And then, we urge you to sit down and look ahead, at that wide open, inviting space beckoning you to come to it. And remember, this will not be merely a short visit. No, this brand new space is yours for the remainder of your sojourn within this current physical manifestation. So make sure you do not miss out on any of the wonders that are yours for the taking during this time. They are up for grabs, ready and waiting for your arrival. So get into the Holiday spirit by giving yourself the gift of acknowledging all of the hard work you have accomplished, and most of all, acknowledging all of the changes in your very own persona you have accomplished too. They are certainly no mean feat, and we do applaud you all for your valiant efforts. They have not been wasted in any way, and even if your physical body may feel like it is starting to lag more than a little bit behind in all of these whirlwinds of change, know that the only reason it feels like this, is that it is changing rapidly also, alongside those more mental aspects that you have worked so hard to release from your baggage this year.

So therefore, know that even if this year seems to have taken its toll on you all, this year has in fact made you all just that more resilient and strengthened, so out of this paradox emerges the new human, the human that has made null and void of so many of those old rules that used to govern you. Both the self-imposed limitations, but also those superimposed, external ones that have hampered you so much. So here you stand, free of so much that used to be an intrinsic part of you a mere 12 months back, but is no more. So as you have become less of what you used to be, you have also become more of what you will be. But there is more to come, dear ones, and as you shall see as the new year dawns just a few short days away, you have many gifts waiting for you that will far surpass anything you might find under any Christmas tree this year. For even if the gifts you have already bestowed upon yourself this year are more than impressive, they are nothing compared to what you still have in store. So again we say, take some time to congratulate yourself on a job very well done, and take some time to sit down in anticipation for what is yet to come. For this journey is by no means over yet, and the best is yet to come, as they say. And this time, no words could ring more true than these.

by Aisha North
December 22, 2013


How To Cleanse Yourself of Emotional Baggage

Gently Cleansing Your Emotional Baggage

As the soft flow of energy moves above you, within you and all around you, you will come to the discovery that there are many experiences that can be found while experiencing God’s Light. It is important to understand dear ones, each experience you encounter will produce an imprint on your awakened self, a kind of mark that helped to change the parts of you that needed changing, that allowed you to become liberated and no longer feeling separated from your own truth or from the Light of God.

The radiant brilliance of God’s Light flows gently around the dear souls that are completely ready to receive this Divine Light. Even your own beautiful Earth receives nourishment from His penetrating Light very similar to the way dry earthly soul will absorb a drink of life-giving and sustaining water and it is true many plants that grow on your Earth will send their roots out seeking as far as possible in order to sustain its life and to thrive. As you reach towards God’s Radiant Light, you too are being nourished and sustained.

Comprehend dear ones, the Light that comes from God, the Divine Source of ALL life holds sacred and divine qualities within its brilliance; to those that are ready to receive God’s Light, it comes bearing gifts of clarity, love, truth, happiness, security with self, harmony as well as the wisdom that is described as being blessed and sacred. Each of the mentioned qualities can be obtained and received by your consciousness dear ones as you become opened and accepting of God’s Radiant Light. The more dear souls that welcome His Light, the greater the expansion of Light flows to family, friends and they become Anchors of Light for others that have just woke.

The dear souls that can see, hear and have the hearts to feel His great flow of love that is moving throughout all people every day, even now are blessed and set apart as they have been given an exceptional mission and that dear ones is to share His Light, to make it even more available and as it transforms one dear soul it will begin to transform others with time and love filled effort.

As you continue to move forward, welcoming the divine presence of God that is a deep and sacred part of your life, you may stumble across emotional blocks that have been powerfully rooted deep into thoughts through conditioning patterns. What we observe by many who reach this stage of their development and growth is as they try with all their might to go beyond these powerful emotional blocks, they become tired and frustrated which gives birth to them feeling unworthy and helpless and during such times many dear souls will quit. We encourage during the most challenging of times when you think you can’t go another step, take the next step keep going, nourish yourself with your own love and compassion and trust the illuminated path God has set before you.

We know how difficult it is to move beyond the emotional blockages and baggage that has weighed you down and in many cases created hindrances along your journey. But it is essential dear ones that you learn to remove your emotional baggage in order to free the heavy, negative weight from your heart and the best way to do this dear ones is by cleansing your emotions. In order to undergo an emotional cleansing, you must deeply and honestly commit and to be willing to permit God’s Radiant Light to enter the sacred space of your whole self and become so opened and forgiving that you allow your heart to become less attached and to love more freely and deeply.

It is through your commitment to release your emotional blocks and baggage that always begins with a humble recognition and realization that all situations that crosses your path also gives you the opportunity to remember your divine identity – and this divine entity that is you will be able to recognize the divinity in others as they come to the realization that they are not separated but interconnected and each dear soul are smaller pieces of God.

In order to bring such truth to your consciousness dear ones you must be able to permit yourself to truly recognize the gifts that came with each life experience and to be able to demonstrate compassion to every dear soul that has touched your life in some way. Once you begin walking the path that brings you into divine alignment with your own truth, you can begin to gently and lovingly go within and continue the process of letting go your emotional blockages and baggage that was preventing you from experiencing God’s Radiant Light and feeling completely blissful in His presence.

The emotions that hide and create spiritual blocks may include resentment, feelings of betrayal, insecurities, feeling unworthy, feeling of rejection, certain fears, despair, guilt, and deceitfulness just to name a few but enough for you to understand how to identify in order for you to cleanse these negative emotions from your being. Emotional cleansing dear ones requires you to be able to go deep within the center core of your being, where you willingly and consciously release these negative emotions and replace them with love and compassion for yourself and for others.

A great way of releasing repressed emotions or blockages is through writing letters. Emotions that have been hiding will flow as you write and through the action of putting pen to paper you are also enforcing a creative action of expression. The simple act of writing letters as a method to release those negative emotions when combined with your commitment to create a deeper spiritual awareness is all you need. Begin writing your letter to yourself. Look back at your childhood, observe the fond and painful recollections and begin to separate any experiences that helped to create any amount of emotional disturbance and discomfort. With these experiences that created an emotional discomfort learn if you hold any one person responsible for the experience that was painful and disturbing, discover how this experience has affected your current life, do you question if you can or cannot close this experience and are you willing to let it go in order to achieve peace and harmony. You are not those feelings that were created out of negative and painful experiences. You are a beautiful divine child of God and through His Radiance you will find healing, you will feel His Love and it will nourish the hunger inside of you and help to release the negative emotions that have stunted your growth for so long. Free yourself into God’s welcoming and comforting embrace.

Because of your commitment to bring the emotions that have been hiding for so long to your awareness and consciousness you will be able to clearly identify how these emotions have cluttered and hindered the well-being of your life. Now compare the mess of negative emotions with all the stuff you have accumulated over the years that can be described as junk. As you are able to remove an old ratty sweater, or a broken piece of furniture you are also able to remove an emotion or belief that has is no longer useful. You can adopt a spring cleaning of your emotions the same way you do your home, you let go of what is no longer of value in order to make room for new and meaningful ways of living and being.

After you have practiced letting go of your heavy negative emotions by writing yourself letters where you probed into certain areas and experiences you are able to create letters to any person who you have ill feelings towards. Understand the point to writing these letters dear ones is not to give these letters to the one it is addressed to; it is a healing exercise that allows your emotions to flow and to be released and cleansed. Through this method of cleansing you will come to know a part of yourself that you may have forgotten and your re-acquaintance will leave you feeling humbled and peacefully happy.

As you learn to detach yourself from any judgments, resentments or any other negative thought or action you have placed on others, you begin to take responsibility for all your choices that have brought happiness and unhappiness. You become humbled as you realize it was your choice to hang on to any painful memory that prevented you from experiencing the positive vibrations of Love and Light that emanates from God that would have delivered you to new and positive emotions. Now is the time dear ones to bring in new changes, to adopt a compassionate way of living that is positive and Light. Give yourself the gift of love and turn around and share this love with the world.

And so it is…

I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller

Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ December 22 – 29, 2013
December 22, 2013

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Time Of Vigilance - Empowering Ourselves

This is a time of vigilance for awakening Humanity and the millions of Lightworkers who have worked so tenaciously to co-create the Cosmic Moment we are now in the midst of, but this is not a vigilance based in fear. It is a vigilance based in the inner peace and the elation of knowing that we have God Victoriously made it through the most fragile and complex, yet the most monumental, shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds.

The Heavens are rejoicing, and every man, woman, and child on Earth is being bathed in the most intensified 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of Divine Love that we are capable of withstanding without being vaporized. This unfathomable Divine Love is flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth from the Divine Matrix of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL That Is. This Divine Matrix is the Body of God within which every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. Within this Divine Matrix we are not only One with our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we are One with our Father-Mother God, the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, and every single facet of Life ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation.

With this realization comes the awareness that since we are One with ALL Life the concepts of separation and duality are illusions. This means that every thought, word, feeling, action, belief, or memory we express reverberates through all Life everywhere. Amazingly, with every breath we take we are either adding to the Light of the World or to the shadows depending on what we are thinking, feeling, saying, doing, believing, or remembering. The vigilance that our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven are invoking from every one of us at this time, is the vigilance of deliberately adding to the Light of the World through our thoughts and feelings, instead of empowering the obsolete and fear-based patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth.

A History of Creation - Part 6

Let us delve further into the mysteries of creation, as this is something we gather you are all more than eager to learn more about. Well, let us just say that there are not many mysteries of this left, however, we would like to give you some “technical” details as it were. You see, the basics have been well described for you already, and as such, you are more than prepared to have a go at this magical feat yourselves, but we do understand the need to learn a little bit more about what is going on.

As you know by now, we talk of the process where a field of possibility becomes energized by consciousness in such a way, in enables manifestation to commence. In other words, to a field of particles, an order is being sent out to gather in such a way something will BECOME, and when it does, it springs forth and starts to interact with the rest of Creation, as no thing can stand alone. And so too, it is with you, as you are all connected back to this vast field from where you once came, and as such, you are in constant communication with it. So what seems to be a major step for you, is actually no such thing. It simply means that for you to be able to consciously create, all you have to do, is to reopen that old and faithful channel that is already there. For you ARE a part of Creation, at the same time as you are THE Creator, and we know that this duality may seem to be somewhat confusing to a human brain. Still, this is in fact nothing more complicated than what you are already doing 24/7, every single day. For you ARE, yet you CREATE at an astonishing rate, and as such, you have been doing this for ever, but your creations are about to take an about turn.

For mankind has been busy creating all sorts of things that do not serve them any more, and as such, the need to re-create not only your environment but also yourselves have become a pressing one, and you have been hand picked as the pioneers that will ensure that this process of co-creational forces once more will be used in the way it was intended. Remember, All of Creation is created in order to manifest an aspect of the potential that is within this large field of vibrational energy that awaits commands from consciousness, and as such, all things created carry equal value. We know this will raise more than a few hackles, but that is in fact the case. So, no light without darkness, no joy without at least a tinge of sadness, and so on. In other words, there must be a balance, and in order to for it be a balance, at times there must be imbalance, chaos if you will, and so a correction will ensue.

Make no mistake, you planet has become impossibly imbalanced for reason already well known and so, this task of re-balancing has been handed you all on a silver platter. Yes, it is indeed a chore that may seem more than a little daunting, in fact even too overwhelming to even contemplate for many of you. But still, you have been hand picked to undertake this mission from a huge number of entities all vying for the same possibility to come down to this planet and relight the light as it were. For that is what this is all about, a huge maneuver that will recreate the wonders of this planet by correcting the erroneous imbalance that has accumulated over the years, as the masses of negativity have pushed you all into a dark corner from where you had no chance of ever getting out where it not for outside intervention.

Again this is a topic that will have more than a few voices raised in protest, but for now, let us leave that discussion behind and simply state the obvious: mankind needed help, and so did that wonderful entity you all live upon, your Mother, your cohabitant, the one that was created to become a laboratory for mankind. For that is what this was originally, an incubator that was seeded with the seeds that would in turn create mankind, and then, it was up to mankind to bring themselves further along the creational path by creating themselves and their environs. But as you all know so well by now, parasitic forces intervened, and toppled the balance in a direction that has been harmful not only for you, but for All there is. And so, outside intervention in the form of a decree was issued, and so it was decided to re-balance what was so wrongfully imbalanced, and this is where you come in to the picture.

For as we have talked about on so many occasions, you are the foot soldiers, the ones that bridge the dimensions. But until recently, you only saw yourselves as humans, as beings bereft of any real powers, forever trapped in this cycle of life and death amongst your brethren here on Earth. But as you awoke to the fact that you are so much more than what your mere human outside should suggest, you are also awakening to the fact that you are here to change what has become and turn it into the brand new. For status quo is no longer an option for any of you, and together, the push from your creative force will serve to drag the rest of mankind with you in your wake, as you have already started to interact with the magnetics that surround you all. We speak in parables as you see, but that is in fact closer to the truth than you perhaps have envisaged already.

Let us return to that field of opportunity to call it that, the sea of energetic particles that awaits your command. This sea is already being influenced by your ”command”, and these commands are nothing more than intergalactic emissions of information in the form of electromagnetic fields or capsules if you will. Even without you being consciously aware of it, you are already emitting a steady stream of these capsules, all directed to this vast field of creative particles ready to become whatever they are being instructed to BE. And so, you are already talking to this field, quiet at first, but still in ways that are already having an effect on your surroundings as well as on you directly. For you are setting into action a huge operation that is already becoming visible for us all. Perhaps not for your human eyes directly, but somewhere within you you can already hear the murmurs from this constant traffic to and from your own being and the rest of Creation. For you have the blueprints well and truly under your skin as it were from before, and as such, you are all well aware just what your role is in this magnificent project. And so, you are already sending out your bits and pieces, or rather, bits and bytes, into the ether, and by that, you are already seeing your part of this plan coming to fruition. And so, rest assured that it is all well on its way, even while you have been more or less feeling as if disconnected from it all, and even more so from yourself.

For as we told you, there is indeed a beehive of activity going on, and your efforts in all of this have not gone unnoticed. And now, you will all start to notice how things will start to change, as your creations will indeed start to come into the open more and more. For you will start to SEE, as you have by now been set up with a whole new set of ”eyes” with which to see them. And do not confuse these ”eyes” with those apertures already in your head, as we talk about sensors of a very different kind than the physical ones you are already using to peruse the scene around you. Make no mistake, all of your human senses will still play a major part in this, but you will now also incorporate so many other aspects or talents if you will that have now been reopened within you all, and you will use them all in tandem to better be able to read into this brand new world you are already setting up.

For as we said, you are already busy sending out instructions to this huge field of fertile energy, ready and waiting to be set into motion by your intervention in the form of those intelligence capsules that contains the parts of this enormous blueprint. It can be likened to the toys that some of you have build by gluing objects together following a detailed printed instruction. Well for this, you will all be kept busy producing the individual parts and pieces that go into this huge construction, and as such, it will at times be very difficult for any of you to get a clear image of what ”part” it is your are busy setting into life. So therefore you will at regular intervals be asked to tune into this whole field of activity in a way that will help you to see the ”picture on the box” as it were. In other words, you will be asked to connect to the collective in such way you will be better able to get a detailed image of the completed construction, the end result, the realization of your dream as it were: Mother Earth in all of her splendor, a living, breathing paradise, where you are an important and indeed vital member.

As we were saying, it is so important that you remember to take time to step back a little from this process from time to time in order not to get lost in all of the “nuts” and bolts” as it were that goes into constructing this whole project. For you need to be able to get a good view of it all from the finished perspective. In other words, take time to step back and tune into the ”finished product” as it is already there for you to see if you set your heart to it. And please try to do so at regular intervals, otherwise you might become as if bogged down by all the intricate parts that is such a bewildering part of this whole process. For it takes a courageous heart to be able to take in this whole process, and as such, we suggest you give yourself ample time to try to SEE what the end result will be like. For it will indeed be just like in your dreams, but even more so, as what you can envisage today is merely a small taste of the real “end product”. So as you go about creating in your everyday life – for remember, you are creating with every breath you take – try to keep your focus on what is becoming light right in front of you. It will take some time for you all to become aware of it all, so for now, just focus on the small details that might not register or go undetected by you all. For much is indeed happening already, but it can be deemed as unimportant or even be overlooked completely if you do not open your “new eyes” to it. And when we say “new eyes”, we mean of course those brand new “sensors” you have all been outfitted with that will enable you to pick up even the faintest traces of this magical change. For now, it is more than a faint whiff of change in the air, it has already started to manifest all around you, in the most unexpected of ways. For remember, mankind has a habit of thinking in very limited ways, and as such, when we say change, you will automatically start to define it in human terms. But this time, please try to overstep those borders of limitations and open yourselves to the magic that is already HERE, as it is indeed you who have created it, and you are doing so at a steady pace each and every day now. So look around you, and use your whole being to sense that what has been talked about for such a long time is finally BEcoming.

Channeled by Aisha North
October 24, 2013


Friday, December 6, 2013

The Heart is King Because Love Comes From There - Heavenletter #4755

The Heart Is King
Heavenletter #4755 , December 1, 2013 

God said: 

The combination of heart and mind can’t be beaten. Some of My children lean toward the heart first. Some of My children lean toward the mind first. For some, heart and mind are One.

At the same time, however, nothing happens without the heart. It is not surprising that the physical life of a human being ends with the demise of the heart, for your heart leads. It is the mainstay. Your heart beats for you, and your heart beats for Me as well.

We can further say that the beat of your heart sets the metronome for the Universe. The extant world lives by the beat of your heart. Your heart conducts the orchestra of the world. It is through Our hearts that We are One. Our Oneness can be evidenced by the mind, yet Our Oneness expresses itself through the heart.

Love comes from the heart. And, when all is said and done, all decisions come from the heart. The heart is King. The heart signals a Yes. Then the mind finds reasons. It is the heart that truly leads. You are heart-induced. This is universal. Your heart creates as does Mine. You might say I am complicit with you, yet that is another story.

Can you imagine a Universe based on thinking? The world, as it appears, seems to be run by the intellect. The intellect is not always so reasonable as you like to think. The heart can never be cold and calculating, yet, ah, the mind creates the world as it is most often known, separated and run by so-called logic.

Hail to the heart that beats so loyally, devotedly. Call the heartbeat vibration, resonance, tom-tom, core, whatever. While you live in the physical world, We can say that, through your heartbeat, you and I are linked. Through the soul always, in body or out of body, We are linked. Your soul and Godness of Truth touch eternally and infinitely. We merge. We are One. The individual identity of a you leaps into My heart.

Do not grieve for the individual you. Your world identity is a fantasy like all others. This means your surface identity has been a story, a fascinating story, a novel, long or short, made into a movie with so many twists and turns that it is unbelievable even on Earth terms. Now, We know, of course, that it is not to be believed. It was never true. Even the humdrum never was true.

All the world history, tracked, recorded, verified, referenced and reverenced, is a group fantasy. All the heroes and all the villains are invention. They are like a mass fantasy bought for a song. A salesman came to your door. You opened it and kept the door open.

You have had lovely images, such as a white sailboat on blue water, a flower blossoming, your heart beating. You have had unlovely images of diverse kinds, and so you watch movies of various genres. On this Earth that seems so solid, you stand on spindly-legs. Ah, but, yet, even on imagined Earth and within your imagined story, there is Truth, and, somehow, vaguely, you consciously know the Truth. You have had glimpses of it, silent moments of Truth named Love, named Beauty. Love and Beauty connect Us. On Earth, the love and beauty that exist in imagined time and space, sadly, fade. Even in this world-wide fantasy, you know there is something extraordinary about Love and Beauty, for they beat a higher note in your heart.

Beloveds, you and I, We are not even a heartbeat away. 

Teachers, Be Admonished: Egos Come In Many Guises - Heavenletter # 4754

What Is the Hurry?
Heavenletter #4754 November 30, 2013 
God said: 

Beloveds, it is not for you to pontificate. It is not your place. Know the difference between what is your opinion and what is Truth. Opinions change. Truth is not variable. You are not the decider of what is true and what is not.

The more awareness you have, the more humble you are.

Street knowledge is one thing. Truth is another.

Be Truth. Live Truth. Love, and know that you do not have the final word. Others must come to their discovery of God themselves. Be not a forecaster. Do not be a know-it-all when it comes to Me. Although We, you and I, are ultimately One, be wary of absolutism. Be wary of what you think you must teach others. Everybody comes to Me. That is inevitable. Who are you to demand from others?

I am not an enforcer. I do not force anyone to come to My way of thinking. Nor must you line up others to your way of thinking.

You believe what you believe. Others are also free to believe as they believe. Everyone has free will concerning himself. Your free will does not extend to others. It is not for you to corral others or to pin them down to think as you think.

Everyone is coming to My way of thinking. Some by leaps and bounds. Some by and by.

It is not for you to tell others what they are to feel and what they are to think. You have choice for yourself but not for others. It is not for you to make assumptions for others. You are not a soothsayer.

Even if you should have complete knowledge, it is not for you to pour it upon others. Everyone finds Me for himself or herself. Let Me speak for Myself. If you want to teach, teach then by example. Teach without words. If I can give free will, you can give free will, and so you must.

Be silent. Keep your tongue still. I lead you and everyone to green pastures. I do not lock you anywhere. I do not insist that today you think this or that.

If it is urgent for you that others come to your way of thinking, what is the hurry? What is the emergency? What is the necessity of speeding?  Where is your trust in Me? Cannot everyone come to Me without your insistence?

No matter how well-meaning you may be, it is not for you to countermand others. You do not take My place, beloveds. You do not interrupt Me. You do not steal the show.

If you feel the need to tell another what to think, from where is your Authority?

You don’t want to come out from left field. It is not for you to harp on others what they must believe. Belief is not a forced event. Belief comes from inside, not outside. It is not for you to hit people over the head. It is not for you to be authoritative. Dear Ones, think a moment of what is your will, and what is Mine.

The Great Spiritual Ones were humble, and now I tell you that you are not to have your head swell with all you think you know or do know. Be an example. Silence is powerful, beloveds.

I love you regardless of anything. What I say today is not to pan you. It is to lead you to silence. It is not for you to self-appoint yourself. You do not take over. You do not usurp. It is not for you to diminish anyone’s free will.

If someone wants your advice, let them come to you. Everyone is free to come to you or not.

Ego comes under many guises.

Understanding How Much We are Worth To God - Heavenletter #4753

God’s Beautifulness Thrown across the Universe Like Corn upon the Field
Heavenletter #4753  November 29, 2013 

God said: 

My heart’s desire is that you know your worth. You are worth a King’s ransom. You are worth the Whole Universe. You are worth everything to Me. Now, gain awareness of your worth. Be worth everything to yourself.

Beloveds, you are a unique filament of My Light. I created you from My Being. I do not say a word that is not true, yet, you are not true to yourself.

You may not see yourself as worthless, yet you hardly see yourself worthwhile to the extent I see you and that you are. In life, you may take erroneous turns to convince yourself that you are worth something after all.

I do not plant fruit trees that do not bear fruit. Would I create you who are made in My image and make you less than magnificent? Not a chance. I did not pick and choose this one worthy and that one less worthy or anyone worthless. What is this rush to belie yourself?

Honor thy father and mother. Honor thyself. Honor all that I have made. Honor the innocent animals, and honor the innocent human beings who do not see worth in others or in themselves. Your soul is indestructible so why bother with all this forsaking yourself? Get off the boat of lowliness.  Beloveds, if you would even see yourselves as 1% of the Truth that you are.

What is the measure of a human being? Measureless. Immeasurable. I stamped and sealed you Mine, My very own, My beautifulness thrown across the Universe like corn upon the field. I created you for something. I created you to give birth to yourself. I tell the rose to bloom. I tell the seeds to sprout. I tell you to acknowledge your True Self. This is the fruit you are to bear. Call it Wisdom, call it Love, call it My Epiphany. Call it what you will. Call it the simple Truth of you. You are emblazoned with the Seal of God.

Life is not to be frittered away. It is not to be ignoble. In one sense, your life is of the utmost importance. In another sense, it is a trifle. In any case, while you have this opportunity of living in the world, give tribute to Me and to yourself, give credit to Oneness. Extend your hand, and extend your heart. Greet all. Welcome all. Meet everyone in My heart and bless Earth and bless all those upon the Earth. A blessing is the One Who Blesses. A Created Being is One Who Creates. The least you can create is Good Will. The least you can bless is everyone.

There is no least among you. You can value the uncommon value of each human soul. No matter how much any one seeming individual may have wandered, he is a part of yourself. He has come before you to sanctify you. He makes himself your teacher. Without a word he is here to wake you up to something within yourself.

Across the board, he wakes you up to your own failing of judgment. I sent him or her not to aggrandize you but rather to humble you. There is something for you to learn. It is not okay for you to think little of anyone because he does not come up to your standards of the moment. He may be the antipathy of everything you like, and yet he is before you to reach an aspect of you that needs his presence.

Everything you find fault with rings a bell of something within you, or you would not be so repelled. You may not like the taste of cabbage, yet you don’t rant and rave even silently about how terrible cabbage is. Yet, when it comes to a human being, you regale yourself with what’s wrong with him and how he shouldn’t be that way. In your mind, you declare yourself worthy and he not. You do not have to ravish praise on one who seems to deter you from love. You have to be done with your criticism and superiority that bless no one, least of all yourself. I made you for greater than to expand on the unworthiness of anyone. You haven’t known his worth to Me or your own.