Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The New Scriptures, Revised 2015 by Sananda/Jesus

The New Scriptures, Revised 2015 by Sananda/Jesus  

The New Scriptures 
by Sananda/Jesus 
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD 
Most of you have known me by my given name when I was here incarnated - Jesus, or Yeshua ben Joseph, my family name.  Sananda is my ancient soul name, given to me at the time of my soul birth, and so you might think of it as my "real name."  I come at this time to speak with you because I wish to correct some of the untruths that were spread about my teachings along with the facts surrounding my incarnation on Earth as Jesus.

I wish to emphasize that I am not the story here.  The facts of my life are relevant only because they shape people's understanding of what I stood for and taught.  I have also included a short autobiography, written after the 24 messages, to further clarify some of my personal information.  I hope it will be used simply as a footnote or as an invitation to get to know me better.   As the Veil of Forgetfulness thins, you will feel my presence close to you, sending you my unending love.  I hope to strengthen that relationship with every one of you.

In her book Who Needs Light?, Kathryn collaborated with me to write the chapter called "The Christ We Never Knew."  I am asking her now to begin presenting my teachings to you directly - in unedited, unadulterated form - unlike the documents you have had available, until now.  We are less limited these days by the language we use, since more people speak English than spoke my Aramaic language 2000 years ago.  We also have more control over the translations than I did then.

Kathryn has given her permission to be the scribe who will present these teachings to the world, for she knows the intentions of my heart and will faithfully transcribe my words just as I intend them.  Our relationship is close.  Our story is told by Mother God as transcribed by Kathryn in the Addendum that is to always be included with these New Scriptures along with my Autobiography.  I have chosen my scribe carefully, and she has been tested to the limits of her endurance.  She has proven herself steadfast in the principles of Oneness I teach, regardless of the challenges we have presented to her.  I feel completely confidant in asking her to do this important work for Us during this historic time, and she has agreed to take on the responsibility.  I thank her for her loving and tireless service.

I ask that these lessons be distributed in their entirety - unedited and without commentary.  Any translations must be authorized specifically by Kathryn and me.  The chapters work together as one Book of Teachings.  As long as those standards are met, we offer the New Scriptures freely to the world. 

Much of what you will read in these New Scriptures will surprise you because it is unlike the picture of me you have been taught to believe and because, in these messages, I have focused on political and economic as well as spiritual matters.  I have done this because it was decided - in consultation with the Company of Heaven and with our beloved Creator - that it was time for Earth's people to understand that there is no separation between public and private life.  This is increasingly true as the vibrations rise on the planet in preparation for your Ascension to higher dimensions.

The Cosmos is guided by a specific and immutable program of Universal Law, which includes as one of its tenets that feelings and thoughts are the medium of creation.  It cannot be otherwise, but this is a new idea for most of humankind.  What you believe, you create.  What you fear, you create, and what you oppose, you strengthen.  Even more powerful is the energy of Love, for Love can overcome fear and any dark belief system or thought form.  You are now, in the beginning of the 21st Century, engaged in the end game that will see the finale of the struggle between Light and the illusion of darkness. 

The Chapters I have given here are for the purpose of clarifying the difference between darkness and Light and for helping to clear away old, destructive patterns of thoughts and behaviors.  I have watched as many of the darkest teachings have unfortunately been shored up by the distorted "religious" teachings that are supposedly based on, or affected by, my teachings.  

I regret that a new religion was created in my name.  I had no intention of being the center of any organized movement.  I do not endorse "Christianity" nor any other religion.  Humankind has reached a level of maturity that will allow for freedom of thought and for freedom from constricting dogma that sometimes passes for moral teachings.

I came here to teach unconditional Love, the Love of our Creator.  I came to use my understanding of God's Love and Light to help people heal and to alleviate the suffering caused by oppression of all kinds.  I do the same now, with an audience that has access to a far more sophisticated understanding of science, politics and economics than those I was addressing in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago.  We also now have access to the internet as a way of sending out the message across the globe. 

I hope you will pass on this message as widely as possible, to help raise the consciousness of the entire planet at this time of preparation for the Great Event, the project you and I have been working toward for eons: The Ascension of all humankind along with their beloved Mother Earth.  

It is a glorious time.  It is a time of hope, community, harmony and Love.  Yes, of course there are signs of chaos and upheaval, but they are the final writhing of the beast before its departure into the archives of memory.  You are free.  It is now a matter of claiming that freedom and celebrating together as we lay down the foundation for The New Golden Age on Planet Earth.

I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition.  I wish to encourage and support you, and with the help of our "boots on the ground" - our worldwide network of incarnated Lightworkers - to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries.  Join with us now, for you are a Lightworker too.  You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognize the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts.  Together, we will manifest our Dream.

In service to humankind, I am Sananda/Jesus

Chapter One 
The Lesson of ONE 
As many of you know, we are preparing diligently for the release of Prosperity Funds for the good of all humankind, to free all from the grip of economic slavery.  There have been details throughout the process that needed to be ironed out.   A few of these details have had to do with hidden power structures that secretly and overwhelmingly controlled the financial and political systems on Earth.  One such example is the Vatican bank. 

The Vatican Bankers had to be convinced to give up their hold on the funds that had long ago been designated for the Greater Good, so that they could be distributed.  Pope Francis presented them with an offer they couldn't refuse, and he issued a decree allowing for their arrests. They were given a short span of time to change their minds voluntarily. The Pope has shown himself to be different from his predecessors.  Reforms have been unfolding gradually by most standards, but remarkably quickly compared to Papal tradition. 

The Vatican officials have been steeped in centuries of secrecy and absolute financial power over the entire Western world.  Most people have no idea of the enormous wealth and the civil edicts that are still in place, which give the Church ownership of all the lands that have ever been held by the Crown of England, along with all the lands that were allied under the Axis powers, and all the countries of South America that have adopted the beliefs of the Catholic Church.  This includes nearly all of Europe and the Western Hemisphere.  So, as you may have suspected, the Catholic Church is the most powerful consolidated political force on the planet.

The protectors of the Vatican Treasury are well aware that loosening their hold on the bank funds would be the end to their personal power, and the end to the myth that the Catholic Church as an institution was ever a well-intended religious order.  Of course, there have been many devout and well-meaning Priests, Bishops and lay worshipers, including the current Pope Francis I, but the institution in Rome has always been interested primarily in political and economic power to control the world.  This is coming to an end.

Many who are not religious in their current lives are unaware of the worldwide implications of how the dissolution of the Catholic Church will affect the lives of everyone on the planet.  This is the ultimate inevitability - the complete dismantling of the Church in all its pomp and wealth.  It will also mean the end of the psychological and religious stranglehold it has had on its people.  I can hardly emphasize enough the enormous effect this will have on freeing the minds and hearts of the people.

It may seem strange to some of you that it is I, the one who came to Earth as Jesus, who is at the forefront of this apparent attack on the religion that was ostensibly established in my name.  I assure you that I would not and never have supported the establishment of any large organization which called itself "Christian."  I was opposed to the building of great temples; this was an important part of my teachings.  Above all, I would never have supported teachings that were designed to enslave the thinking and behavior of any of my students.

I, Jesus, Yeshua ben Joseph, was raised a Jew.  I practiced the principles and ethics I learned at my parents' knees, and I never left behind the essence of those teachings, which encouraged a strongly ethical and devout way of life.  I was interested in expanding the limits of Judaism to create a practice based in the simple understanding that Love - the Love of Creator and of one's fellow creatures - was the only principle needed to live a good life. 

I taught that turning away from dogma and rote practice of any rules is the first step in turning toward God.  You see, in terms of the practice of the day when I lived, I was a radical/libertarian/free-thinking agitator.  This is the reason both the powerful hierarchy of the Jewish community and the Romans were suspicious of me.

Any and all other Fundamentalist sects operating in the areas where I traveled would have been opposed to what I taught as well, for I stood for the freedom of each individual to freely communicate with God, unhampered by any dogmatic human opinions or prejudicial ideas.  I taught that there was no need for priests or intermediaries.  All human beings are possessed with the innate ability to communicate telepathically with their God, their Angels, and even with their ancestors. 

Does this sound to you like some airy-fairy New Age extremism?  Well, the New Agers have promoted their own misunderstandings as well.  Namely, that spirituality is supposed to make you feel good, as an end in itself.  I will address many such falsehoods within these New Scriptures as we talk together.

This is a new phenomenon, is it not, your ability to read the "scriptures" as they are being written, in my own words?  I will be here soon to affirm these words in person, but it has been decided in our Council that some preparation would be very helpful for all of you.
Now that our background information is complete, let us begin with the first and most important lessons I will present in these pages.

1. God is Love.  I, Sananda, the representation of God, am Love.

2. I speak the words our Creator has breathed into my mouth, as I will do faithfully as long as my life as a soul goes on, eternally.  

3. God does not punish or pronounce judgments.  Free will requires that humans direct their own path to higher learning.  There is no hell other than the one you create in your own minds.  

4. After each lifetime, you have returned to the higher dimensions where Love is All, where you planned the elements of each life, depending on what you felt you needed or wanted to experience and achieve.

5. "The New Scriptures," as we have called this collection of teachings, are the words of Mother Father God / Source directly through me.  Many of the old "Scriptures" have been reinterpreted or purposely distorted to serve the wishes of those in power, in order to remain in power.  We must begin anew.  If you wish to quote me, please use these teachings rather than ancient texts.

6. I will speak only in words of encouragement that will serve to enlighten and uplift humankind to rise above the fear, divisiveness and hatred that has been the way of life on Planet Earth for millennia.

7. I do not come to establish a new religion, not by any name.  I wish to teach The True Way - communication with God and all conscious beings in Love, Compassion, Harmony, Forgiveness and Joy.

8. Any teachings that engender feelings of fear, guilt, separateness from others, superiority over any other living being, or any rift between an individual and their True Being is not the Word of God and will not be found in my words.

9. There have been beings of darkness inhabiting and overseeing Planet Earth in the past.  The Higher Souls who created and managed the "Matrix" of financial, political and social control are now gone, by decree of our Mother and Father, the one we call Creator, and they will not be permitted to return.

10. We are all Galactic beings, with genetic origins from far-flung planets.  There are no superior races, and there are no "aliens."  We are all Star Brothers and Sisters.

I AM One with God, as you are.  WE ARE ONE.  This is the lesson I bring to you in Joy and in unending Love.  You are God, as I AM.  We cannot be separated because we are not separate.  No physical distance, no idea nor belief can keep us apart.  We are destined to live in harmony and peace, in absolute Love.  So be it.

I am Sananda, and I approve this message, with Joy and Hope in my heart.

This revised 2015 edition of the New Scriptures is the one Sananda designates to be used if you wish to copy for personal use or translate into other languages.  Please consult with Kathryn and Sananda if you wish to translate these messages.   
 ? Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.    
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Mother/Source Tells the Three-part Story of The Great Fall into Darkness and Current Return to the Light of Planet Earth 




The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus (under revision) 

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? Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe. 

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