Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Intention and Imagination, Your Inner Guidance System, Personal GPS

Before you come into the body, you make many plans and agreements with many people. You know that you are coming into the physical with special traits and abilities, interests and passions, all designed to help you live your chosen incarnation. Your unique vibration is unmistakable from that side of the veil, yet you understand it will feel somewhat different when you are in the body, so your divine other asks, “How will I find you?” You answer, “Oh, it will be easy! I’ll be the painter, (or healer, or teacher, or singer, or author, whatever your calling may be), living in _______, who is joyfully living my life to the fullest.” Your divine other bids you adieu for the moment, until you meet again.

Then the reality of being in the body sets in, and you start being molded by societal expectations, living according to what you “should” do rather than what your heart wants, and you deny all those aspects of yourself! You have passions, yes, but who has time for those? You would love to live in ______ but you never take the leap to do it because you have become afraid of change and are fearful of it not working out. You live with a longing in your soul, but never give in to that subtle yearning. Your life expression has become something very different than what listening to your heart would lead you to, and you have become very uncomfortable, indeed. Further, because you are hiding in a life that is so different than your highest expression, finding you is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Hear us when we say there is no right or wrong, Dear Ones! Whatever you decide, you are loved and honoured every step of the way. But your soul, your guides, the entire universe, wishes you to have the grandest experience you can imagine. Your unique interests and desires exist within you to help you do just that. Allowing yourself to be you – bright, shiny, authentic, incredible YOU – will help you find every joy and delight you had intended for yourself, and more.

Using intention and imagination is like setting the coordinates in your internal GPS, or what we like to call your inner guidance system. They clearly establish where you would like to go. Then it is simply a matter of surrendering and flowing and enjoying the scenery until you reach your destination.

Dear Ones, if you spend all your time reliving the past and the perceived wrongs you have experienced (in this life or previous lifetimes), you are traumatizing yourselves needlessly. All healing, all wellness, all creation, comes from your Now moment. That is where all your true power is. By continually shifting your focus into the past, you are stepping out of your power base and spinning your wheels in energies that no longer apply, so joyfully embrace your Now and the endless possibilities it contains.

Some people perceive surrender as being a loss of freedom. Quite the contrary. Surrendering into the flow allows you to move through your life expression secure in the knowledge that it is unfolding in the ways that are most supported and for the greatest good of all. It moves you beyond the energies of worry and doubt into the calm assuredness of true acceptance. Much like releasing a rehabilitated bird back into the wild, it is incredibly freeing to flow in your authenticity.

The idea that anyone can do it for you – that they can make you whole, make you happy, make you love yourself, or in any way fill you up with pieces you do not have is completely false. It is a construct designed to keep you dependent and out of your authentic power. Thousands upon thousands of people have exhausted themselves trying to fill up and fix others, only to have it end in disappointment and resentment.

Dear Ones, you are the only one with the access to your healing, happiness and wholeness. Everything you seek will come from within. No one can do it for you, nor can you do it for anyone else. Each individual is responsible for their own process and evolution.

Think of a beautiful tree in early spring. It is taking longer than you think it should to bloom, so you get some fake leaves and flowers and tape them to the branches. It might look temporarily more like you think it should, but the fake leaves will never, ever behave like the real thing, and come the first bit of stormy weather they will all fall off. But if you patiently wait and water the tree, and trust that the tree knows exactly what it is doing, and allow the tree to have its own process, it will start to bud and bloom when the timing is exactly right for it.

Dear Ones, you are very familiar with tuning into different frequencies. You do it all the time when you listen to the radio. Why not take that same approach to your energies? If you are having an experience that feels discordant and full of static, why not seek another stream of energy that feels lovely, soothing and supportive? Wouldn’t that be easier than sitting there filled with discomfort? In fact, we would encourage you to decide what you wish to tune into before you even get out of bed, each and every day. You get to set the dial to wonderful whenever you choose.

When you become emotionally invested in what another person is doing, and become insistent you know what is “right” for them, and that if they just do things your way their lives will be so much better, it is a clear sign that your ego self, the part of you that seeks to keep you small, has taken the lead. While it is disguised as being a form of caring and love, the truth is you are simply not qualified to know what another person’s soul is wishing to experience.

Each person, just like you, is navigating their path with the assistance of many helpers, their higher self, their guides, the ascended masters, the angelics, Source – the entire universe. So to insist that you know better than those higher supports is somewhat ludicrous, wouldn’t you say? Worse, when you say you know what is best, it is very disempowering to another, because the underlying message is that they are not competent at all, and are somehow inept and not qualified to make their own decisions. Considering all humans are on the planet to step into their own authentic power, that approach is completely contrary to what every person is trying to achieve.

It is also incredibly disempowering to you. When you become completely absorbed in another’s actions, you have taken your focus off the only thing that you do have control over, which is your own life path, your own choices, your own growth. Do you see? It is simply another insidious way the ego self tries to distract you from your own empowerment, so trust that each person is experiencing whatever they need to for their highest good, and redirect all that effort into your own self discoveries and creation.

Archangel Gabriel                                                                                               October 12, 2013
Channeled by Shelley Long

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