Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The New Scriptures, Revised 2015 by Sananda/Jesus

The New Scriptures, Revised 2015 by Sananda/Jesus  

The New Scriptures 
by Sananda/Jesus 
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD 
Most of you have known me by my given name when I was here incarnated - Jesus, or Yeshua ben Joseph, my family name.  Sananda is my ancient soul name, given to me at the time of my soul birth, and so you might think of it as my "real name."  I come at this time to speak with you because I wish to correct some of the untruths that were spread about my teachings along with the facts surrounding my incarnation on Earth as Jesus.

I wish to emphasize that I am not the story here.  The facts of my life are relevant only because they shape people's understanding of what I stood for and taught.  I have also included a short autobiography, written after the 24 messages, to further clarify some of my personal information.  I hope it will be used simply as a footnote or as an invitation to get to know me better.   As the Veil of Forgetfulness thins, you will feel my presence close to you, sending you my unending love.  I hope to strengthen that relationship with every one of you.

In her book Who Needs Light?, Kathryn collaborated with me to write the chapter called "The Christ We Never Knew."  I am asking her now to begin presenting my teachings to you directly - in unedited, unadulterated form - unlike the documents you have had available, until now.  We are less limited these days by the language we use, since more people speak English than spoke my Aramaic language 2000 years ago.  We also have more control over the translations than I did then.

Kathryn has given her permission to be the scribe who will present these teachings to the world, for she knows the intentions of my heart and will faithfully transcribe my words just as I intend them.  Our relationship is close.  Our story is told by Mother God as transcribed by Kathryn in the Addendum that is to always be included with these New Scriptures along with my Autobiography.  I have chosen my scribe carefully, and she has been tested to the limits of her endurance.  She has proven herself steadfast in the principles of Oneness I teach, regardless of the challenges we have presented to her.  I feel completely confidant in asking her to do this important work for Us during this historic time, and she has agreed to take on the responsibility.  I thank her for her loving and tireless service.

I ask that these lessons be distributed in their entirety - unedited and without commentary.  Any translations must be authorized specifically by Kathryn and me.  The chapters work together as one Book of Teachings.  As long as those standards are met, we offer the New Scriptures freely to the world. 

Much of what you will read in these New Scriptures will surprise you because it is unlike the picture of me you have been taught to believe and because, in these messages, I have focused on political and economic as well as spiritual matters.  I have done this because it was decided - in consultation with the Company of Heaven and with our beloved Creator - that it was time for Earth's people to understand that there is no separation between public and private life.  This is increasingly true as the vibrations rise on the planet in preparation for your Ascension to higher dimensions.

The Cosmos is guided by a specific and immutable program of Universal Law, which includes as one of its tenets that feelings and thoughts are the medium of creation.  It cannot be otherwise, but this is a new idea for most of humankind.  What you believe, you create.  What you fear, you create, and what you oppose, you strengthen.  Even more powerful is the energy of Love, for Love can overcome fear and any dark belief system or thought form.  You are now, in the beginning of the 21st Century, engaged in the end game that will see the finale of the struggle between Light and the illusion of darkness. 

The Chapters I have given here are for the purpose of clarifying the difference between darkness and Light and for helping to clear away old, destructive patterns of thoughts and behaviors.  I have watched as many of the darkest teachings have unfortunately been shored up by the distorted "religious" teachings that are supposedly based on, or affected by, my teachings.  

I regret that a new religion was created in my name.  I had no intention of being the center of any organized movement.  I do not endorse "Christianity" nor any other religion.  Humankind has reached a level of maturity that will allow for freedom of thought and for freedom from constricting dogma that sometimes passes for moral teachings.

I came here to teach unconditional Love, the Love of our Creator.  I came to use my understanding of God's Love and Light to help people heal and to alleviate the suffering caused by oppression of all kinds.  I do the same now, with an audience that has access to a far more sophisticated understanding of science, politics and economics than those I was addressing in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago.  We also now have access to the internet as a way of sending out the message across the globe. 

I hope you will pass on this message as widely as possible, to help raise the consciousness of the entire planet at this time of preparation for the Great Event, the project you and I have been working toward for eons: The Ascension of all humankind along with their beloved Mother Earth.  

It is a glorious time.  It is a time of hope, community, harmony and Love.  Yes, of course there are signs of chaos and upheaval, but they are the final writhing of the beast before its departure into the archives of memory.  You are free.  It is now a matter of claiming that freedom and celebrating together as we lay down the foundation for The New Golden Age on Planet Earth.

I will be with you, working closely with the Company of Heaven to assist you in your transition.  I wish to encourage and support you, and with the help of our "boots on the ground" - our worldwide network of incarnated Lightworkers - to give you concrete help to raise yourselves up and out of the thick and heavy darkness you have endured for centuries.  Join with us now, for you are a Lightworker too.  You will find fellow seekers and guides along your path who will recognize the truth of my words and the Love in your hearts.  Together, we will manifest our Dream.

In service to humankind, I am Sananda/Jesus

Chapter One 
The Lesson of ONE 
As many of you know, we are preparing diligently for the release of Prosperity Funds for the good of all humankind, to free all from the grip of economic slavery.  There have been details throughout the process that needed to be ironed out.   A few of these details have had to do with hidden power structures that secretly and overwhelmingly controlled the financial and political systems on Earth.  One such example is the Vatican bank. 

The Vatican Bankers had to be convinced to give up their hold on the funds that had long ago been designated for the Greater Good, so that they could be distributed.  Pope Francis presented them with an offer they couldn't refuse, and he issued a decree allowing for their arrests. They were given a short span of time to change their minds voluntarily. The Pope has shown himself to be different from his predecessors.  Reforms have been unfolding gradually by most standards, but remarkably quickly compared to Papal tradition. 

The Vatican officials have been steeped in centuries of secrecy and absolute financial power over the entire Western world.  Most people have no idea of the enormous wealth and the civil edicts that are still in place, which give the Church ownership of all the lands that have ever been held by the Crown of England, along with all the lands that were allied under the Axis powers, and all the countries of South America that have adopted the beliefs of the Catholic Church.  This includes nearly all of Europe and the Western Hemisphere.  So, as you may have suspected, the Catholic Church is the most powerful consolidated political force on the planet.

The protectors of the Vatican Treasury are well aware that loosening their hold on the bank funds would be the end to their personal power, and the end to the myth that the Catholic Church as an institution was ever a well-intended religious order.  Of course, there have been many devout and well-meaning Priests, Bishops and lay worshipers, including the current Pope Francis I, but the institution in Rome has always been interested primarily in political and economic power to control the world.  This is coming to an end.

Many who are not religious in their current lives are unaware of the worldwide implications of how the dissolution of the Catholic Church will affect the lives of everyone on the planet.  This is the ultimate inevitability - the complete dismantling of the Church in all its pomp and wealth.  It will also mean the end of the psychological and religious stranglehold it has had on its people.  I can hardly emphasize enough the enormous effect this will have on freeing the minds and hearts of the people.

It may seem strange to some of you that it is I, the one who came to Earth as Jesus, who is at the forefront of this apparent attack on the religion that was ostensibly established in my name.  I assure you that I would not and never have supported the establishment of any large organization which called itself "Christian."  I was opposed to the building of great temples; this was an important part of my teachings.  Above all, I would never have supported teachings that were designed to enslave the thinking and behavior of any of my students.

I, Jesus, Yeshua ben Joseph, was raised a Jew.  I practiced the principles and ethics I learned at my parents' knees, and I never left behind the essence of those teachings, which encouraged a strongly ethical and devout way of life.  I was interested in expanding the limits of Judaism to create a practice based in the simple understanding that Love - the Love of Creator and of one's fellow creatures - was the only principle needed to live a good life. 

I taught that turning away from dogma and rote practice of any rules is the first step in turning toward God.  You see, in terms of the practice of the day when I lived, I was a radical/libertarian/free-thinking agitator.  This is the reason both the powerful hierarchy of the Jewish community and the Romans were suspicious of me.

Any and all other Fundamentalist sects operating in the areas where I traveled would have been opposed to what I taught as well, for I stood for the freedom of each individual to freely communicate with God, unhampered by any dogmatic human opinions or prejudicial ideas.  I taught that there was no need for priests or intermediaries.  All human beings are possessed with the innate ability to communicate telepathically with their God, their Angels, and even with their ancestors. 

Does this sound to you like some airy-fairy New Age extremism?  Well, the New Agers have promoted their own misunderstandings as well.  Namely, that spirituality is supposed to make you feel good, as an end in itself.  I will address many such falsehoods within these New Scriptures as we talk together.

This is a new phenomenon, is it not, your ability to read the "scriptures" as they are being written, in my own words?  I will be here soon to affirm these words in person, but it has been decided in our Council that some preparation would be very helpful for all of you.
Now that our background information is complete, let us begin with the first and most important lessons I will present in these pages.

1. God is Love.  I, Sananda, the representation of God, am Love.

2. I speak the words our Creator has breathed into my mouth, as I will do faithfully as long as my life as a soul goes on, eternally.  

3. God does not punish or pronounce judgments.  Free will requires that humans direct their own path to higher learning.  There is no hell other than the one you create in your own minds.  

4. After each lifetime, you have returned to the higher dimensions where Love is All, where you planned the elements of each life, depending on what you felt you needed or wanted to experience and achieve.

5. "The New Scriptures," as we have called this collection of teachings, are the words of Mother Father God / Source directly through me.  Many of the old "Scriptures" have been reinterpreted or purposely distorted to serve the wishes of those in power, in order to remain in power.  We must begin anew.  If you wish to quote me, please use these teachings rather than ancient texts.

6. I will speak only in words of encouragement that will serve to enlighten and uplift humankind to rise above the fear, divisiveness and hatred that has been the way of life on Planet Earth for millennia.

7. I do not come to establish a new religion, not by any name.  I wish to teach The True Way - communication with God and all conscious beings in Love, Compassion, Harmony, Forgiveness and Joy.

8. Any teachings that engender feelings of fear, guilt, separateness from others, superiority over any other living being, or any rift between an individual and their True Being is not the Word of God and will not be found in my words.

9. There have been beings of darkness inhabiting and overseeing Planet Earth in the past.  The Higher Souls who created and managed the "Matrix" of financial, political and social control are now gone, by decree of our Mother and Father, the one we call Creator, and they will not be permitted to return.

10. We are all Galactic beings, with genetic origins from far-flung planets.  There are no superior races, and there are no "aliens."  We are all Star Brothers and Sisters.

I AM One with God, as you are.  WE ARE ONE.  This is the lesson I bring to you in Joy and in unending Love.  You are God, as I AM.  We cannot be separated because we are not separate.  No physical distance, no idea nor belief can keep us apart.  We are destined to live in harmony and peace, in absolute Love.  So be it.

I am Sananda, and I approve this message, with Joy and Hope in my heart.

This revised 2015 edition of the New Scriptures is the one Sananda designates to be used if you wish to copy for personal use or translate into other languages.  Please consult with Kathryn and Sananda if you wish to translate these messages.   
 ? Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.    
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Mother/Source Tells the Three-part Story of The Great Fall into Darkness and Current Return to the Light of Planet Earth 




The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus (under revision) 

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? Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Who Runs The Matrix?

Serapis Bey:

I am delighted to speak with all of you today. It is a time of powerfully increasing energies, and rising hopes. You may know me as one who has been very involved in the Ascension of Planet Earth. From the beginning, I have worked with your other Masters and Guides to help organize our efforts to help you leave behind the difficult dark energies which have held Earth captive for so long, and to facilitate the freedom humankind is destined to achieve.

I have personally been overseeing the activations of the crystals which had been deactivated during the Atlantis disaster, for the safety of Earth and the crystals themselves. I have also been involved, with many others, of course, in the timing of the opening of portals which will make it possible for all humankind to pass through to higher dimensions when the time comes. All these things have been coordinated with the activities on the ground, and the level of vibration you have all been able to achieve.

It is a challenging process for all of you, we know. It is one thing to spend a day in meditation and find a bit of peace until someone comes along and upsets you, or you have to go back to work at a place you cannot stand. And still, we urge you on: “Raise your vibration! The success of the Ascension depends on it!” Well, yes, it is true that you need to turn a corner as far as your thoughts and feelings are concerned.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We Rise With The Sun Like a Birds Song

Heavenletter #4900: You Are Here to Sing a Song


God said:

Sometimes you may feel that you have reached bottom. This is an idea to let go of. Both top and bottom are ideas that do not hold up. How many times have I suggested that you look up? Consider that you have climbed a mighty mountain. Even at the peak of a mighty mountain, you can look up. Wherever you may be on your imaginary scale, you can look up. If you can look askance, you can look up. It makes all the difference in the world that you look up.

Defeat may be what something looks like in the world. You know the world. It is not so highly reliable. The world flip-flops all the time. Beloveds, if you can feel down, you can feel up. Raise yourself by looking up. I mean literally to look up. The sky is above for a reason. I will go so far as to say there is only up. Gravity keeps you on Earth. Gravity grounds you, yet grounding does not mean to keep you down. Life on Earth does not have to be filled with rue. Rue is not more worthy than joy. Life does not have to be heavy. Heavyweight is not better than lightweight. Light is the spirit that dances between stars. You are made of this selfsame spirit. Heaviness is sorrow.

How light even is the snow that falls to Earth.

Remember that you carry a ticket to Heaven. It is yours. It has your name on it. Holy be your name.

It is not a disgrace to have been born on Earth. It is a tribute. It is a blessing. It is a blessing for you. It is a blessing to the world, and it is a blessing to Me. I blessed Myself when I gave you life on Earth and blessed you and the Earth. You are My messenger from Heaven sent to Earth to proclaim the loveliness and Oneness of Life on Earth. You are a testament to glory. Glory is Mine, and it is yours. Glory be to God, and glory be to you who fulfill My promise given to the world.

The song says, “Hark the herald angels.” You are herald angels come to enliven the Earth and speak for Me. You are identifiers of Me, and, therefore, you identify yourself and everyone. You are here on Earth to thrive. Thrive, I say. You are not here on Earth to go downhill. Hardly. You are here to sing a song. Start now. Proclaim and reveal joy on Earth. Sing a song of tribute in My Name.

You may have thought that I am to be all about you. It is you who is to be all about Me! You are the sounder of love and peace on Earth. You are the forerunner of love and peace on Earth. You are to tell the Truth and to reveal the Truth of Seeming Existence on Earth. You are Infinite Being. Yes, you can live life on Earth and reveal its beauty. Beauty is for the asking. Beauty is for its own expression, and you are the expresser of it. Beautiful are you who sings My song. Blessed be you.

You are on the forefront of the world. Sing its praises. Sing high notes. Let your life be the song you sing. Make a sweeping gesture with your arm and bless the Earth. As the sun rises every morn, so do you. Even in the process of what you call setting, the sun is rising. It is preparing to rise. You are someone who rises. Rise before Me now.

Channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Published on: April 25, 2014


Becoming Enlightened and Never Losing Self

Becoming Enlightened

“When you decide that you are seeking enlightenment, you usually think that you must abandon your old way of living. You see that others who you view as enlightened are letting go of possessions, relationships, and even their hobbies and interests. And so you think in order to be enlightened, you must let go, you must lighten your load.

We want you to know that the load only needs to be lightened when you experience it as heavy and as burdensome. You can move to whatever frequency you want to hold without giving up that which you enjoy, that which you prefer. You are all enlightened beings right now. You do not need to change who you are or how you are living.

But you may choose to make those changes as you continue along your path. Does that mean that you need to let go of anything that you are currently possessing or that is currently a part of your existence in order to be spiritual and to be on your path? We cannot give you an answer that will apply to every one of you. But you may wish to look at your relationship to your possessions, to your loved ones, and even to your physical body.

You may look at how you are holding these various ideas. You are all you need in order to live happily ever after. But if you want to share your time and space with others, and with things, and with your interests, you are certainly within your rights to do so, and you are in no way harming yourselves.

You also have this idea that your bodies are heavy, and dense, and cages for your soul. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your bodies are what you make of them. Your bodies are as holy, and sacred, and spiritual as your souls. Do explore your relationships to form, but do not abandon form because you feel that you must. All is love. All is Source. And all can be spiritual.

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are love.”

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Published April 25, 2014


The Prime Creator In Self

Our God-Self: Your Creations Begin With Me


The mighty waves of your global process of fundamental changes are at their peak. They have been there now for a while and they will not come immediately to a sudden rest.

This is because there are natural laws of ebb and flow at work. They should not be suddenly interrupted for the sake of human safety and the safety of all life on Planet Earth.

This is the time of the Great Shift, and what has been too long already in power must step back now.

What you can influence though is the frequency pattern of the waves, their intensity, their magnitude, their heaviness to put them more at ease. So you have the power to tone down the already fading heads of the old dying hydra to allow your new world to emerge.

However you must know your power for change in the correct way. It is not based on your mind to begin with. Because mind itself is always busy and unsteady. That is its nature. Very few of you are able to keep their mind focused and one pointed, as they understand to use the faculty of the higher mind, based on higher intelligence.

But if you long to do the Real Work, you choose to invoke and unite with Me.

You want to draw on the means of firm profundity, when you are to calm down what is in turmoil, when you are to ease what seems to be uncontrollable.

So to be optimally effective, you want to make use of the most profound leverage: The Power of Me, your own Divine Brilliant Consciousness. Therefore your mind must cooperate with Me, You see, you must not allow your mind to wander off in your head, weakened by the functioning of your dual brain.

It must be resting with Me, As I Am the mind’s Source Condition. The Inexhaustible and Most Solid Substance of Reality Itself, the Divine Well in which is Hidden and Possible to Emerge All you Desire.

Without that Very Foundation That I Am, your every impulse to create does not bear steady fruits, and comes rather in pairs: that what you want and that what you don’t want.

So your process of Divinely inspired creations always begins with Me.

Because it is your continually fluctuating and changing body-mind itself, which is the starting point of all your creations, that must be brought into the right disposition first, it must be brought to rest in Me. This is in itself the most essential creation that you are to perform. And so your very first creation is the surrender of the body-mind to What Is Great, That Foundation, That Fullness, That Eternity That Is Me.

Only from there Pure and Divine thought can emerge.Your body-mind filled with the Power of the Current of My Presence, brought to My Peace, to My Stillness. To The Zero-Point of all possibilities. Then you might create whatever you desire.

This powerful Presence of Mine, when you allow It to Radiate, already alone calms down all agitations, to bring ease and change to harmful situations.

This is the most important and senior creation, the very first creation you are responsible for: to create yourself in the way of reflecting your most profound Truth That Is Me. First I must Be Established in and as You. Then all the powers of creation are Yours.

To invoke My Presence into your body-mind and into your world has the most profound effect on dissolving what is not from Me and what does not conform with Me.
That is how you change yourself, that is how you change your world.

If you choose to engage your mind, based on True Establishment of My Tangible Presence as Radiant Love-Bliss-Consciousness, to reach out to wherever you desire, with feeling and vision that your goal is already accomplished, you will work miracles, if you truly are able to control one-pointed your mind, steadily turned to Me.

Until then let My Blessing Presence Be Sufficient!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Your Plan, the Divine Plan to Come Home

You Knew That What You Were To Experience Would Be Anything But A Bed Of Roses

As I, and all the other channels, keep advising you all is proceeding as divinely planned. The divine plan is always followed, precisely. It often does not seem like that to you, buried in the illusion as you are, and experiencing all the stress, conflicts, and disappointments that the illusion is so good at providing for you.

You all chose to be on Earth at this moment in her history, the moment when her amazing spiritual awakening would occur, because you all, without exception, wished to assist most powerfully in the awakening process, and be present to enjoy it as it happened. When you made that decision you knew that what you were to experience would be anything but a bed of roses, nevertheless you decided to enter the illusion once more to assist all the apparently lost souls, who remain unaware and uninterested in a spiritual awakening let alone in spiritual evolution, into a much higher state of consciousness.

You also knew, before you made that courageous and daunting decision, that you could not fail to fulfill your individual tasks in this momentous undertaking – helping all of humanity to move into a much higher and far more fulfilling state of consciousness where they could and would once more access awareness of their divine nature as essential parts of the One, the Source, God. All sentient beings are inseparable aspects of the One, and the fact that untold numbers are unaware of their divine heritage is due to the incredibly real-seeming illusory environment that you chose to build and inhabit. Within it you do experience intense pain and suffering, and what you experience would be utterly unconscionable if it were real. It is not. But until you awaken that will not be apparent.

Those of you who follow the spiritual channels, blogs, pod-casts, and alternate news sites, while also contributing to them, do have your work cut out to maintain your faith in God’s Love for you all as you witness, with heartfelt compassion, the intense suffering that so many are undergoing, and in which many of you are also personally partaking.

God does not want or require sacrifice from anyone. He desires only that you live in eternal joy. At the deepest levels of your being you know this, and have always known this.

However, you have free will, and will always have it, as Love does not impose, confine, or limit in any way. You are Love, eternally free, and you have used that freedom, that free will, and built the illusion to experience separation and individuality. In doing so you provided yourselves with the space in which to experience what seems to you to be an incredibly fearful state of total desertion and abandonment.

When you made that choice freely and enthusiastically you had absolutely no idea where it might lead you, and now here you are in an environment in which distrust, deceit, betrayal, conflict, and suffering have become endemic. BUT, due to God’s eternal Love for you, and due to the fact that there is nothing outside of Him, what you are presently experiencing remains, as it always was, an unreal dream or nightmare. Now it is about to fade away as the Love from which you were all created expands through each one of you, enveloping all, and moving you all inevitably forwards into the brilliant Light of God’s eternal day, where shadows like the illusion are not supported and cannot survive.

You all want out of the illusion! And so do all the billions of apparently lost souls who are unaware that it is an illusion and are seemingly ensnared within it. Their desire is for freedom, security, and abundance, but that is only available outside the illusion, at Home in the Presence of God. That is where you are going . . . Home. You are powerful beings – you are divine beings, so how could you possibly not be powerful when you were created by your Father and lovingly gifted with everything that He has.

That being the case, then your intent and your collective decision to awaken ensures that nothing can prevent it. Focus your attention on the certainty that you are to awaken, and intend to be open to receive and accept the abundant energy of the current of Love that is gently and inexorably sweeping you homewards.

Because you are all divine beings, at one with your Father, then your will must be in complete alignment with His, no other will is possible. And, as you have been told so often, His Will is that you experience eternal joy, therefore your only option is to awaken into His divine Reality. Live expectantly knowing that you will, and by so doing reduce the stress and anxiety that your long journey has been causing you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


Channeled by John Smallman

April 28, 2014



You Are You and No One Else Can Be You


Lady Nada (Received 4.18.14):

Of all the souls in the Universe, you are special. You are EACH special in your own right. No one soul possesses what you have to offer. The key is to know that and then to be in the frame of mind and heart to want to offer it, regardless of what your neighbor or friend or colleague or loved one does or says or offers themselves. You know you are each unique.

In these times of immense change it is even more important to know this and to acknowledge this. For you each have a mission and purpose that no one else does. You are compelled to offer it in concert to complete the whole of Oneness, all of beautiful souls joined together as One but each fitting the piece of the puzzle, intricately placed and applied, to complete the whole beautiful picture of ONEness, each in your own special way.

So please put away your insecurities…as in: “Am I doing enough?”; “Am I enough?”; “What am I supposed to do?” In many cases all that requires of you is to just BE who you are, without reservation, without hesitation, and with all the LOVE you can muster and anchor into yourself, Gaia, the Universe and all the Multiverse. Doing your part sometimes just means not ‘doing’. Relax and melt into yourself and expand your horizons by accepting that you are unique, and by listening to your inner self you will know what to do next, if anything. It will simply flow from you.

This is a time of immense change and all are required to “be on deck”, so to speak. So any distractions from the outside are merely that…distractions from you being wholly who you are and feeling wholly who you are, and performing what you do best, which cannot be measured by anyone else’s experience.

Remember you are loved. Remember you are cherished, and remember that all this raising in consciousness and this elevation of frequency you are a part in could not happen without YOU. So be cognizant of that, be at peace with that, and just allow yourself to blossom in these amazing energies. Much is afoot, much is happening, not only below the surface, but in physical manifestation now. You are all a part of that. Be at peace with that. Rejoice in that. You are The ONE.

So dear ones, I leave you now with my blessings and my LOVE and wish you a pleasant journey in this momentous time. I will return with more “tidbits” of encouragement. For now, as they say, “Lay Low”, which really means the opposite in this case: Allow yourselves to Rise, for the air/energies are so buoyant for you now, but stay centered and stay calm and do everything you can to nourish your physical body as well as your singing heart which wants to experience all it can in these coming days.

You are the master at the helm of these amazing times. And you know what to “do”: Encompass and embrace all you can and allow the transformation, dear ones! We are all excited to meet you more and more in the coming days. We are excited to see your transformation in the coming days. And you really do not have to do anything more than Love yourselves and each other and Gaia and the Universe and the Multiverse and feel at One with it and all, which you are, dear ones, you ARE!

My Love is yours, always…


I AM Lady Nada


Channeled by Fran Zepeda

April 19, 2014


Note from Fran 4.19.14: As I typed the last word in the body of Lady Nada’s transmission, typing the “e” in Namaste’, my eyes were averted to the word counter which had reached 555…meaning profound changes!!!!! Then later that evening, my eyes were averted to the clock which also flashed 555. So I feel it was Lady Nada and indeed the Universe affirming that we are indeed in the middle of profound change! What magical times we are in! What beautiful synchronicity we are all privy to! Love to all!

©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.
